What to do with GTX590


Mar 8, 2007
So I have a new GTX590 waiting for me at home or so says the UPS website. Any suggestions on what I should do with it until BF3 comes out. I am upgrading from GTX275 so I am thinking I will revisit GTA4, Crysis, Crysis 2, and Bad Company 2. Anyone else have any suggestions of cool things to do with this card?
Ummmmmm, plug it in and use it?

Or you can dress it up and have a tea party........

come on guy, wtf else would you do with a video card?
Ummmmmm, plug it in and use it?

Or you can dress it up and have a tea party........

come on guy, wtf else would you do with a video card?

Actually I was looking for suggestions as to what games and settings I might try, yes it did occur to me to "plug it in and use it." Sigh.
Actually I was looking for suggestions as to what games and settings I might try, yes it did occur to me to "plug it in and use it." Sigh.

Ive been testing frame rates with my 560Tis running in SLI wtih Crysis2 . I would think the load that shit running in Ultra with hi-res packs and DX11 is probably close to what we should expect out of the final BF3
Did they leave it on the front porch of your apartment? Signature service not requested?

You could run some Heaven benchmarks
Metro 2033
Crysis 1/1.5/2 + DX 11 + high res
The Witcher 2
GTA IV Lost city stories

nothing really needs that amount of power except Crysis 2 + DX 11/Metro 2033/BF3
Metro and Crysis are the only games that make my 580's sweat and even Crysis isn't a problem at my surround resolution. Now Metro on the other hand...... Until BF3 comes out Metro is probably the only game your going to have any trouble with. Assuming your playing at a decent resolution.
Depends on the resolution doesn't it - at 1920x1200 probably not, but at 3600x1920, lots of recent games will slow to a crawl on it.
I can't believe it. This thing chugs with Crysis Warhead maxed out at 1080 and Crysis 2. It just can't handle it, period. Not sure what to do.
Nevermind it has to do with my 1080p monitor it was locking Crysis and Crysis 2 in at 24fps, I figured out a work around and getting closer to 60 now maxed out. Pretty sweet.
Nevermind it has to do with my 1080p monitor it was locking Crysis and Crysis 2 in at 24fps, I figured out a work around and getting closer to 60 now maxed out. Pretty sweet.

what are the temps in crysis 2?
Cool, so this is basically just a "look at me being an attention whore with my overpriced hardware" thread. Cool story bro.
You could send it my way and I could do some extensive tests on how well Blake Stone performs.
Actually I was looking for suggestions as to what games and settings I might try, yes it did occur to me to "plug it in and use it." Sigh.
With most people it works the other way around. They buy a video card for the games they play.

Knock yourself out with mine sweeper or skifree. Both excellent games!
Most people just run benchmarks but by all means do not play games!
Cool, so this is basically just a "look at me being an attention whore with my overpriced hardware" thread. Cool story bro.


Blackstone: I was going to say, at 1920x1080 a GTX590 should be able to handle Crysis 2 reasonably well. I dunno about getting 60fps in DX11 mode with AA (not gonna happen) but it should run it minus the AA reasonably well.
just ran crysis 2 with my gtx590 on my tri monitor setup
ran it maxed out @ 5760x1080 was getting 50-60 fps locked with vsync so could of gone higher
That wouldn't work for most of Crysis. Try playing the Reckoning chapter, and turn AA on. :p