What to do with all the spare parts?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
Hey guys thought I would ask this question in here.

I have been building machines since arounsd 1990 and I have tons of screws, blanks, cords, cables, you name it whatever gets left over after building a machine.

Well the wife is tired of "our office" looking like my "computer repair/gaming shop".

What do you guys do with all those old AND current parts?

I have one large rubbermaid bin and a bunch of old MoBo boxes that I store stuff in.

In the MoBo box I store all the software, and cables, other things that went with a particular build identified by the MoBo i used.

I have to admit it is really a mess, and in order to find a particular thing I have to go through everything.

The only thing I have kept from old machines are fans, PSU's, and some drives. The MoBo and other stuff was sold off.

Is there something out there that works really well for storing this kind of "man crap" as my wife puts it?

I had thought of buying an clothes dresser to put everything in.

Can this stuff be stored in a non climate controlled garage in boxes?
I think as long as your storage solution will keep the moisture out, and it doesn't get extremely hot or extremely cold, you'd be fine.
Yeah, I haven't had any trouble with the things I have stored outside. Only thing to keep in mind is that with regards to the material of your storage bin just make sure that ESD won't be a problem between the components and the box (assuming it is plastic). In my experience, fans and PSU's aren't really fussy about that, but I try to keep all my AIB's in their anti-static bags or in something else, like cardboard or wood.

Man-crap....that made me laugh. :p

For all the screws and miscellaneous small parts, I'd suggest one of these . I'm not exactly sure what they're called. Mine said "Parts cabinet" on the label. I know for a fact that Lowes has them, but they're not where you'd expect to find them. The one near me has them with the shelves and stuff, but not over with the garage and shelf organizing stuff. I didn't buy this one at Lowes, mind you, but I did see one about a week after buying that one. Just look around, I guess.

Anyway, there are also some with a piece of plastic that comes down over the front of the drawers to lock them all in place, that way you can put it in a big rubber tub.

For the rest of the stuff, take all the generic cables, like IDE cables or USB Cables(stuff that can be used on ANY system) and put them all in ziploc bags or roll them up and zip tie the roll together.

Stuff like motherboards and other ESD sensitive things should stay not only in the plastic, but also in the box they came in (or another box) so they don't get damaged by other stuff. This also goes for harddrives as well.

I'd say buy a big rubbermaid tub. Stack all the cd-rom drives on one side, then the HDs near them. Pile the cables next to the drives, then any boards(mobo, etc) on top.
I use a pill bottle for screws, and a couple boxes and/or various corners of my basement for everything else.
I can take them off your hands for you. :D Store them at my shop :D
Lately I've been ebaying my old computer piece by piece :D Better than it sitting in my spare closet collecting dust