What to do if I've been ripped off?

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oh and i don't buy that the boards broken. How can someone mess something like that up? Anyone else would have just shipped it and blamed the shipping company. You act like because you refunded some money like it's all well and good. It's not. I'm leaving you negative feedback on heat because you deserve it. This is absolutely the worst transaction i ever made. When did you plan on telling me you broke the board? Any time before i had to expose you? You're a liar and a poor trader. Oh and here's a concept: don't deposit the money for something you sold into your checking account until after you've shipped the item. Sounds to me like you had every intention of ripping me off entirely.
its obvious slade was up to something by not pming u back. I would definitely rate him bad. Good Luck
why wouldnt he be upset? he waisted a few days waiting for a motherboard.Now he has to go looking for another one that will take another few days to get to him...:rolleyes:
well its broken now, i dont know why your still mad, you got your money back and didnt lose anything :confused: I dont have a mobo now...Like i said, if you still want the dead mobo i can ship it to you for $30

Maybe I'm mad because I sent you 4 PM's, gave you my phone number twice, and only after I figured I was getting scammed, made a post, found your phone number, and threatened to call you, did you come forward and tell me it was broken. How many days after the fact.

Plus now i gotta wait 3-5 days to get my money back.
one thing that sucks is when i decide to leave him negative feedback, he can just leave me negative back, even though as the buyer I've done nothing wrong. I paid literally probably 30 seconds after we came to an agreement in PM.

Is there anything I can do?
Maybe I'm mad because I sent you 4 PM's, gave you my phone number twice, and only after I figured I was getting scammed, made a post, and threatened to call you, did you come forward and tell me it was broken.

no, i dont know why i didnt tell you right away and made a thread to to BPC 2 days ago about the dead mobo. Thats my fault....i should have
I just don't see how you can ignore my PM's for 3 days and expect me to just let bygones be bygones.
I just don't see how you can ignore my PM's for 3 days and expect me to just let bygones be bygones.

well, you do what you have to do but im gonna counter whatever you put...just letting you know in advance
sladesurfer, there is absolutely no excuse for not pming him within a day of when u broke it...
what exactly are you going to counter with?

"paid immediately. seller was a good buyer and has been to over 100 people, across ebay, hard forum, and many other forums. I sold him a product and broke it, and felt no need to tell him about it, so he became angry after I was ignoring his private messages for 3 days, called me out on it, so i felt pressured into doing what i should have done the second it broke"

sladesurfer, there is absolutely no excuse for not pming him within a day of when u broke it...

I know that, i should have but i didnt maybe i was mad at myself for breaking it..i dont know...Theres no excuse for not Pming him right away. That was my fault
so that warrants me getting negative heatware?

oh by the way, that quote in your sig.. you could have just said your dog ate it. that excuse seems a bit more believable.
what exactly are you going to counter with?

"paid immediately. seller was a good buyer and has been to over 100 people, across ebay, hard forum, and many other forums. I sold him a product and broke it, and felt no need to tell him about it, so he became angry after I was ignoring his private messages for 3 days, called me out on it, so i felt pressured into doing what i should have done the second it broke"


why would i make a thread about your mobo saying i need to refund the guy that i sold it with. If i wanted to scam you i would have just taken your money and not ever come back.
yeah, why would you make a thread about it at all? i think a PM would have worked just fine.

you made that thread to cover your ass and you know it. that's called "leaving yourself an out"
yeah, why would you make a thread about it at all? i think a PM would have worked just fine.

you made that thread to cover your ass and you know it. that's called "leaving yourself an out"

i made the thread 2 days ago...i give up. just do what you have to do. no point of arguing. you got your money back,i dont have a mobo. simple
if you post a picture of the snapped in half motherboard, i'll let bygones be bygones. no heatware involved.
you reply almost instantly until i brought that up...

how stupid does one have to be to break a motherboard by stepping on it?
actually this sounds to me like he got a better offer somewhere else and took it, was not replying to pm's because he was making sure the 'other deal' went through first before telling him the mobo is 'broke'
dracos, my dad just said that exact same thing 10 minutes ago lol

i don't know how much better a deal he could have gotten, i just bought one for 115 off of ebay in a white box. it's only 15 bucks, but still, just figured i'd do a forum poster a favor by buying it off of him, like i did with everything in my computer except my case.
if you post a picture of the snapped in half motherboard, i'll let bygones be bygones. no heatware involved.

True, pics or shens.

The point is RADEoN expected to have this board by this weekend for a build. Because you (Slade) took your time shipping and then ended up breaking the board :rolleyes:, he couldn't build this weekend and he didn't have the option of going another route and getting a board from somewhere else.
pics or shens.

leave him a neg. This isn't the first time I've heard of a bad deal with slade, but I don't think the other one every got resolved.
i hope he gets banned from this forum, xtremesystems and whatever forum he posts on. plus i hope his current motherboard goes bad.
RADEoN, you can just contact heatware, send them a link to this thread and explain to them that your negative feedback was out of retaliation and not justified. They'll erase the negative feedback for you.
You did the right thing Radeon, sucks that it came to this but there are always a few ass holes
in a forum.
RADEoN, I support you 100%. Transactions through forums are, let's face it, gambles that rely on honesty, to a degree. If there is even a hint of fishy business, it is totally understandable to be worried. Slade and others should know this. Therefore, no excuse for no PM.
yeah radeon you were wholly in the right. ANother thing that i think is hilarious is that he says that he made the thread on bpc 2 days ago but when i look at it, it says it was posted 23 hours ago
SladeSurfer has refunded payment and replied to this thread. If you have more to say take it to PMs.
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