What the heck is wrong with it?


Limp Gawd
Mar 25, 2004
I was playing with an old Intel mobo I had laying around, was thinking of using it and spare parts I have to build another comp just for the hell of it. Anyway, I took off the heatsink and removed the CPU cause I had ordered a new P3 for it off eBay. I decided I wanted to play with BIOS though and replaced the CPU and heatsink. Wouldn't work anymore. When hitting the power button, no beeps, no POST, just nothing. It's definitely something wrong with the mobo, since I have ruled out every other piece of hardware, including the CPU and PSU. Clearing CMOS seems to do nothing either. Really it just annoys the hell out of me not knowing what the source of the problem is. Even if its not fixable, I hate not knowing. So does anyone have any ideas?
you sure its not the power switch? if you are really brave you can power it on with a screwdriver. If nothing happens when you do that, its dead.
Please post the parts used.

If the speaker is attached to the motherboard, do you get any beeps with no ram or gfx card plugged in?
No beeps makes it seem like a motherboard or PSU problem and as you have tested for PSU issues, it does look like a motherboard problem.
The motherboard isnt necessarily dead though, it could be the CMOS jumper in the wrong position, dead CMOS battery, CPU fan header not being used, all the necessary power connectors arent being used etc etc.

Have you checked with different Ram?
when resetting the CMOS, unplug the PSU from the wall or switch it off.
Not the power switch, not the front panel. Have tried resetting CMOS. Have replaced the battery in case that was the problem. Have used different RAM. Anyway, noticed I neglected to tell a detail. When I hit the power button, the PSU powers up, but thats it. No activity other than that.

Thanks for the replies so far guys. I'll probably go back through the process of trial and error but other ideas on what the source of the problem might be are more than welcome.
Yeah ruled it out. Tried a different one. I wonder if I somehow damaged the CPU socket though. If I did theres no physical sign of it though, at least not that I can see.