What the heck happened to Steam?


Sep 28, 2009
It looks like a cheesy mobile app store now full of rubbish indie and unfinished (early access) games. Comparing stream from two three years ago till now it's defiantly gone downhill. Spending loads of time looking for some quality new releases or upcoming and having to sort through angrybird style games is just nonsense. LOL
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What good games have been released lately that you would like to see on Steam, but are not?
I think if you take a look at the reviews for these "rubbish indie" titles, you'll find many of them have positive or better ratings. These games may not appeal to everyone, but that doesn't make them bad.

With that said, Steam is a game store and having a large diverse library of games is a good thing, which ensure that they have something for everyone. But unlike a physical store, having indie games doesn't result in lesser space for AAA titles. AAA titles are still being released on Steam as per usual.
You can edit the New Releases bar and the Updated Release bar to not show any Early Access, but I have not found a way to remove those entries from showing up on the carousel...
Paid early access is just becoming like DLC...an anti-consumer idea that companies have just taken and run with because people continue to buy into it for some reason.
I'm amazed that people keep buying these early access zombie survival games - the fact that H1Z1 and DayZ are on the top sellers list still blows my mind. I'm not convinced ANY of them are ever going to make it to release status.
It helps to tell Steam what kinds of games you like and what does not interest you. It takes about 6 hours of clicking either "wishlist" or "not interested". It's like training speech recognition.
Paid early access is just becoming like DLC...an anti-consumer idea that companies have just taken and run with because people continue to buy into it for some reason.

I will stand by my Early Access purchase of Kerbal Space Program. :)
I absolutely hate the new layout. I really want to take out curators and have a separate sorting/display of all indie crap. Good thing is I have limited my purchases to only big name titles and am happy to forgo any of the games that I am not aware of simply because I do not have the time for this shit anymore.
It would be great to be able to filter out more stuff. I would immediately filter out certain genres and probably also indie games.
Like 6 months ago they changed it I think to get more exposure to lesser know titles that don't always make the front page. You should see the Wall of games they have for Steam Sales now you can scroll down for like 10 minutes =)
I absolutely hate the new layout. I really want to take out curators and have a separate sorting/display of all indie crap. Good thing is I have limited my purchases to only big name titles and am happy to forgo any of the games that I am not aware of simply because I do not have the time for this shit anymore.

I agree. I liked it better the way it used to be. I wish they would at least let us have a choice.
I'm amazed that people keep buying these early access zombie survival games - the fact that H1Z1 and DayZ are on the top sellers list still blows my mind. I'm not convinced ANY of them are ever going to make it to release status.

Never releasing a game while still making money on it is the new meta :) The game company makes money and customers can't really bitch much because the game isn't released yet. The way vehicles operate in H1Z1 is pretty much in par with $4 Wal Mart games from over a decade ago, but who cares the game isn't finished yet :eek:
It would be great to be able to filter out more stuff. I would immediately filter out certain genres and probably also indie games.

You can select a particular genre in the search function, as well as sorting the list by it's rating, or price which can be used to group all new AAA titles at the beginning of the list as they generally have higher prices than the typical unknown indie title
I agree, steam needs to separate the cream from the crop.

When I used to look at new releases it showed titles that were professionally made and not a dozen half-finished garage projects. It's impossible to find anything worthwhile in the store anymore.

The curators thing is a big ass mistake, I want to make up my own damn mind about games, and I don't need, but more importantly I don't want anyone telling me what's what.

The new layout is confusing I haven't even browsed the store since they introduced it . I just tried today before reading this topic, and I got frustrated in 30 seconds and abandoned all hope of finding interesting new releases.

Well it wasn't worth buying new games from steam anyway as they ask 150% of the retail price.
Agreed.. Steam has jumped the Shark and is borderline annoying to interact with now.

Old Steam

1. Find top quality games
2. Play top quality games

New Steam

1. Beta software
2. Forced social interaction
3. Gifts, Card collecting and various other nonesense
4. Spend an excruciating amount of time separating shit from quality
5. Finally find something maybe worth playing
6. Because of all the shit beta swarming the place you never make a purchase because the odds are against you
7. Look for enough fucks to give to muster up your wallet out of your pocket
8. Cross your fingers the game is top quality
I used to have steam start when I booted my computer.

Now, I do not.
You can select a particular genre in the search function, as well as sorting the list by it's rating, or price which can be used to group all new AAA titles at the beginning of the list as they generally have higher prices than the typical unknown indie title

Yeah but i can't search through the crap anymore as it is WAY out of hand with early releases, shit-tons of indie titles etc. For example i, for one, do not ever wanna see another minecraft clone (yeah yeah they're all different - whatever) ever again. Too much really and where i was going through new releases almost daily on steam before, i rarely ever check them now. Same with upcoming releases actually. Matter of fact is that i probably have never looked that rarely on steam as i do since they changed it.
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I think what's really needed is an EXCLUSION filter, ie filters for publisher (indie, Activision), maybe even a ratings filter (per game/developer even?).

I think its ridiculous that there is an "Indie" inclusion search filter but not an exclusion filter. Searching for anything by genre just lists 3+ pages of either indie or early access garbage before getting to any "real" games (RPG and RTS are the worst here).

Of course, this should surprise no one, Valve does not and never will listen to their customers/users.
I think what's really needed is an EXCLUSION filter, ie filters for publisher (indie, Activision), maybe even a ratings filter (per game/developer even?).

I think its ridiculous that there is an "Indie" inclusion search filter but not an exclusion filter. Searching for anything by genre just lists 3+ pages of either indie or early access garbage before getting to any "real" games (RPG and RTS are the worst here).

Of course, this should surprise no one, Valve does not and never will listen to their customers/users.

They just need to stop throwing crap at us, and QA test the damn games they're selling.
I would be more than happy with a little button that is labeled "Old Style Steam" that brings me to the time from before there were "curators" and all that other crap. I'd press that button in a heartbeat and never look back.
Boy it sure is a good thing they allow you to customize all this shit or you guys would really be bitching...oh wait.

So when you're on the main page and the main recommended for you slide is up, hover over it and click customize in the upper right corner of the slide and select all the crap you don't want to be shown.
Where on that magical site is "do not show indie titles"? Or "ignore all 109465834 block graphic games"? Oh wait....right. Nowhere. And where can i select to not show "curators"? Or where can i select to not show the stupid "discover your list" list or whatever it's called? Oh and while we're at it, give me that choice not to ever see "Topseller" again, because i couldn't give a flying donkey fuck about top sellers.
Am I the only one who never browses steam or gives a shit what is on the main steam page? I use the search box for whatever game I'm after and click buy. /shrug
Agreed, especially about the curator stuff. Put that stuff in the community section at least. The main store page should be about buying titles. As for the indie games, that is a bit more tricky. But I agree, most indie games are really not very good.

Paid early access is just becoming like DLC...an anti-consumer idea that companies have just taken and run with because people continue to buy into it for some reason.

It may certainly end up that way. For small developers, it still remains a way to provide some funding as they complete the game. Again, the down side is people will assume it is supposed to be "fun" to play.
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I think what's really needed is an EXCLUSION filter, ie filters for publisher (indie, Activision), maybe even a ratings filter (per game/developer even?).

I think its ridiculous that there is an "Indie" inclusion search filter but not an exclusion filter. Searching for anything by genre just lists 3+ pages of either indie or early access garbage before getting to any "real" games (RPG and RTS are the worst here).

Of course, this should surprise no one, Valve does not and never will listen to their customers/users.

It's obvious why Valve cannot put a magical "indie filter". First of all, there's the problem of where do you draw the line, and there's no way you can do this without pissing someone off. It would be ridiculous to say, I only buy game that have a publisher, and any dev without publisher will not make good games. The community may often equate indie with crappy small budget game, but technically that isn't what indie is.

Secondly, implementing the ability to make indie games invisible will defeat the reason why indie dev tries to get their game on Steam, which is to gain exposure. Valve cannot push indie devs away to other services because people do purchase indie games. The anti indie crowd are probably just a vocal minority.

At the end of the day, Steam is a store, a place people go to buy stuff. If you go to a store to make a purchase decision, then obviously it's going to be difficult. It's like going to a huge retail store to purchase a TV, but you've yet to decide on anything other than wanting to purchase a TV. You will find plenty of TV of various brand and various quality, and you'd probably wish you did some research at home first.

The same approach can be done for Steam. As far as AAA titles are concern, there are many ways for us to keep up to date with what's out there. We can easily make decisions before going to Steam and search for something specific. Plenty of sites out there dedicated to AAA titles, or indie titles, etc.
don`t ever forget
problems like companies promising this and that and not delivering
and games full of cheaters
and the fact that steam took my money

no no no
Its not Steams fault

get tired of getting ripped off
and spending all that money on PC hardware
Paid early access is just becoming like DLC...an anti-consumer idea that companies have just taken and run with because people continue to buy into it for some reason.

So. Early Access is "anti-consumer." Except consumers are willingly opting in. I'm not really sure what your point is.

A few bad apples abusing the spirit and intent of early access doesn't diminish the whole thing. There are enough success stories that make the whole thing worth it. Consider the scenario of a couple seasoned developers, let's say two guys that broke away from a big AAA developer, and have an idea for a game, but can't do everything themselves. So they need to hire additional talent and manpower for things like graphic assets, sound, UI, etc - well that's obviously where Early Access can be helpful.

If you don't like Early Access then just ignore it, it doesn't impact you. I swear people just want to shit on everything these days that doesn't meet their personal hierarchy of needs.
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It all started going downhill when they randomly started adding blue to the UI.
Am I the only one who never browses steam or gives a shit what is on the main steam page? I use the search box for whatever game I'm after and click buy. /shrug

I never look at the UI usually. I just use Steam for sales or to enter product codes of games purchased elsewhere.
It looks like a cheesy mobile app store now full of rubbish indie and unfinished (early access) games. Comparing stream from two three years ago till now it's defiantly gone downhill. Spending loads of time looking for some quality new releases or upcoming and having to sort through angrybird style games is just nonsense. LOL

If you don't like Early Access then just ignore it, it doesn't impact you. I swear people just want to shit on everything these days that doesn't meet their personal hierarchy of needs.

And I swear that you basically spout this exact same line in every single thread where someone doesn't agree with you. Not every complaint is baseless, so stop trying to dismiss them.

Early Access affects every gamer when more than half the shit out there is just a money grab with no intention if being finished. For every success story there are half a dozen failures or flat-out scams.

Early Access definitely has its place, but it should be the exception and not the rule.
And I swear that you basically spout this exact same line in every single thread where someone doesn't agree with you. Not every complaint is baseless, so stop trying to dismiss them.

Early Access affects every gamer when more than half the shit out there is just a money grab with no intention if being finished. For every success story there are half a dozen failures or flat-out scams.

Early Access definitely has its place, but it should be the exception and not the rule.

Agreed. And MP games that launch in Early Access will have people trying to play it as if it is complete, then get bored, and when the "release" version goes live the player base will have dwindled. Game sales start high and slow over time. This has carried over to Early Access for certain games. Not everything is black and white.
after people get burned enough times, early access will probably taper off.

BTW, there are some good indie games! Even on the cryengine! But yeah, there is also a lot of other stuff that could've been made in the 90's.
It's obvious why Valve cannot put a magical "indie filter". First of all, there's the problem of where do you draw the line, and there's no way you can do this without pissing someone off. It would be ridiculous to say, I only buy game that have a publisher, and any dev without publisher will not make good games. The community may often equate indie with crappy small budget game, but technically that isn't what indie is.

Secondly, implementing the ability to make indie games invisible will defeat the reason why indie dev tries to get their game on Steam, which is to gain exposure. Valve cannot push indie devs away to other services because people do purchase indie games. The anti indie crowd are probably just a vocal minority.

At the end of the day, Steam is a store, a place people go to buy stuff. If you go to a store to make a purchase decision, then obviously it's going to be difficult. It's like going to a huge retail store to purchase a TV, but you've yet to decide on anything other than wanting to purchase a TV. You will find plenty of TV of various brand and various quality, and you'd probably wish you did some research at home first.

The same approach can be done for Steam. As far as AAA titles are concern, there are many ways for us to keep up to date with what's out there. We can easily make decisions before going to Steam and search for something specific. Plenty of sites out there dedicated to AAA titles, or indie titles, etc.

The difference is I can go on Newegg/Amazon, select a product type, then select a manufacturer(s), without other stuff clogging up my results.

I actually do purchase indie games (Hotline, Terraria, FTL, etc), my issue is that I have to sift through pages of crap (mostly) before I get to "real" games in the RPG and RTS categories.

I am not saying hide indie/whatever games on the front page, I am saying refine the search filtering to be able to apply exclusion lists as well as inclusion lists (or a combination thereof). And, why is indie a inclusion/search keyword but cannot be used to exclude?