What software read CHM, Djvu Format?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I am not verse in CHM, as well as DJvu file format? What software can be use to view it?
CHM is a Compressed Help File. Windows reads them natively, I think OSX needs a third party viewer, and so does Linux.

DJVU files are DejaView stuff, a new thing that appeared recently, and not one I find very interesting myself (warning: personal opinion just offered, take it as such). Get more info at:

thanks a lot for the info. I just don't get why on earth everyone has new format all the time. Why can't a doc. be put in a PDF file format.
Because new methods come out all the time for either encoding data to smaller more efficient sizes (as with DJVU and JPEG images), or some major player decides to make a shift in the industry (as Microsoft is doing with Office 2007 by altering the "standard" DOC format once again by creating DOCX and merging DOC files with XML capabilities).

Things change, unfortunately. PDF is still by and large the #1 document format on the planet for cross-platform compatibility. Create one, read it on most any operating system that exists without "special" software or readers these days. Windows is still the only OS that doesn't offer native PDF reading capability. Go figure... :p