What should we do with this spammer?


Staff member
Jun 6, 2000
Here is a story I think you guys might enjoy...

I recently kept on getting flooded with the same f'in software advertisement spam (just changed around a little bit) to my gmail account... I would get at least 10 a day. This REALLY REALLY pissed me off because the whole reason I loved my gmail account is because I didn't get any spam on it. I traced it to an address in argentina but it was registered with a registrar in France.. well long story short.. the email address that it showed for the spammer was a hotmail address... well.. I emailed the hotmail address from another account and got a bounceback.. I went to hotmail and registered the address. Kick ass.. now I can login and see that other people that are getting spammed are emailing this address (some of them are very funny). So next.. I found out where the spammer registered his or her domain which was on Namebay.com. Ok.. now I have the spammer, their registrar, and email address. The only thing I need is the login because I can just request my password be sent to my email address (which I now own). The only problem is that I didn't have the login name.

Well.. today I decide to check the hotmail account... LO AND BEHOLD!! this person is changing domain names (most likely due to spamming and trying to hide their paths).. well.. in the automated email from Namebay included the LOGIN NAME!!! I immediately requested my password and it came through to the hotmail account!!!

Now.. I have a few options... point the domain to another location with a page that shows what I think of this asshole... or whatever.. What would you guys do? Maybe I should just put a big [H] logo and say that spamming is for bitches. I could point it to a gay porn site too.. lol. I can also looked at the account and I think they have a cc on file. It's a carte blanche.. is this a bank account? If so I am gonna register as many domains as I can if so. It feels good to have this power for once against spammers...

I am probably going to have to do something soon since they are probably gonna want to change their password or something and will need to change the email address since they can't get to it anymore.

[..:: magnetik ::..]

here is a sample of the email that I was getting.. chances are that some of you are getting the same email..

TOP quality software:

Special Offer #1:
Windows XP Professional+Microsoft Office XP Professional = only $80
Special Offer #2:
Adobe - Photoshop 7, Premiere 7, Illustrator 10 = only $120
Special Offer #3:
Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004 + Flash MX 2004 = only $100

Windows 2003 Server
Windows 2000 Workstation
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows 2000 Datacenter
Windows NT 4.0
Windows Millenium
Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows 95
Office XP Professional
Office 2000
Office 97
MS Plus
MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
MS Visual Studio .NET Architect Edition
MS Encarta Encyclopedia Delux 2004
MS Project 2003 Professional
MS Money 2004
MS Streets and Trips 2004
MS Works 7
MS Picture It Premium 9
MS Exchange 2003 Enterprise Server
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe PageMaker
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional
Adobe Premiere
Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004
Macromedia Flash MX 2004
Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004
Macromedia Freehand MX 11
Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12
Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11
Corel Photo Painter 8
Corel Word Perfect Office 2002
Norton System Works 2003
Borland Delphi 7 Enterprise Edition
Quark Xpress 6 Passport Multilanguage

Enter Here
Just block it and report him, no use getting yourself in trouble.
AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Just block it and report him, no use getting yourself in trouble.

That's the problem... this has been going on for about a 3 months.. I reported it to the registrar 3 months ago and am still getting spam... Reporting it hasn't resulted in anything.

[..:: magnetik ::..]
I wouldn't do anything to his account. Just find some way to block his emails (there should be some way) and just leave it be. Don't go to their level (the spammers).
Carte Blanche is a credit card...you don't want to mess with that. When it all comes out of the wash, you'd be the one in jail.
Whatever this guy's done to you, you really don't want to be going round and changing their data online. In a court of law, it would be considered as hacking because you are illegitimately tampering with their data and therefore committing a crime.
I wouldn't do anything to the CC b/c the real loser in the end is the credit card company who would have to pay him the money back b/c his card was comprimised. Then he would have indirectly costed someone money. Its just not right.

Maybe a compromise would be to indicate to him anonymously via a joke/creative way that you know his credit card # ....get him really scared. It would cost him the time and effort to get the CC switched. This would teach him a lesson w/o costing anyone money.
Find his real name and address and someone near him can go anonymously give him the ole Tanya Harding treatment :cool:
ok.. so I shouldn't do anything... this sucks.. :) The spammer lies about his email address to cover tracks and I happen to own this email address now... if he didn't want someone to take control of his domain... the spammer should have used an email address that was real instead of fake. Maybe I should just change the contact information to Walter Payton at Soldier Field and change the password.. that will at least give him some headache trying to get it back.. As far as a court of law.. he is in Argentina... would Argentinian law apply?

I won't do anything then.. thanks for the advice.. I am just riled up because I AM STILL GETTING HIS F'ING SPAM after reporting him to the registrar 3 or 4 times.

You guys are too nice.
B.S. Find the nearest AG or FBI office and turn him in. They're going afer them.
is that wise?

Since you own that E-mail! It could go nastey! Still, The internet needs an way to beat the crap out of spammers legally!

My god that would be fun, You spam, We beat ths [H] crap out of you with ur own computer(s). Admit it, sounds good!
Still, The internet needs an way to beat the crap out of spammers legally!

There is the Lad Vampire that allows you to use your unused bandwidth to repeatedly download images from the websites of some of the more prolific fake banks that have been scamming people. This wastes their bandwidth and eventually results in their bandwidth limit being exceeded, closing down their site (at least temporarily). This is completely legal as well because you are only doing something that the spammers are asking you to do, visit their site :D
does that not kinda use up ur own bandwidth tho?

So for those on the ISP's that have limits does it not cause them problems?
chrisblore said:
There is the Lad Vampire that allows you to use your unused bandwidth to repeatedly download images from the websites of some of the more prolific fake banks that have been scamming people. This wastes their bandwidth and eventually results in their bandwidth limit being exceeded, closing down their site (at least temporarily). This is completely legal as well because you are only doing something that the spammers are asking you to do, visit their site :D

I just opened up about 6 tabs in mozilla and am letting this run all day i think. I'm on a college T3 so its not really like someone is going to care that much.