What should CPU temp be?

BAD. Anything over 50 is considered... sub-optimal, to say the least. What CPU do you have? For a Prescott or a Palomino core CPU, that wouldn't be bad at all.
yea if you're using stock cooling and not lots of case airflow 63 idle is about right for palomino or prescott's..... get a case fan blowing air over the cpu fan from outside, that should lower temps some and not cost a whole lot.
we need info..

ambient temps? (for all we know, you could be in africa where it's scorching hot right now)
case? case fans?

you get the idea ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
we need info..

ambient temps? (for all we know, you could be in africa where it's scorching hot right now)
case? case fans?

you get the idea ;)

what he said
Overvolt your CPU or reapply some thermal paste on the bottom...

Mine runs at about 31C
FaultySanity said:
Overvolt your CPU or reapply some thermal paste on the bottom...

Mine runs at about 31C

Ignore this stupidity.
You do not overvolt a CPU if it's hot and you sure as hell don't put thermal paste on the bottom. Please delete yourself.

Original Poster: more information needed.
OK here's what I can tell you.

AMD Athlon XP 3200+
Radeon 9800Pro AIW

It's a HP a520n stock,except for the Video and Sound Card and I put in a 350W Antec Smart Blue power supply.
wow, you're getting 63c in the bios?
and you never told us the cooling solution..
everest has a sensor page that tells temps and voltages, i think it's very useful.

here's what you do.
unplug the psu
take off the heatsink
clean both the heatsink contact surface and cpu core with a q-tips that have been dipped in 91 or 99% isypropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
reapply thermal paste according to arctic silver's instructions.
make sure all fans are hooked up correctly
plug psu back in and turn on and go into the bios to check temps. if it's lower, be happy :p
Temps are too high. I run at 32C on average idle and about 38C on load.

Make sure that you are getting enough airflow in the case.
How many intake / exhaust fans do you have?
What heatsink is on it?

Being an HP, probably has poor ventalation. I've torn a few open and they have a single fan on the back of the case pulling air on a duct from the CPU.

Could also be that BIOS might be reading the temps wrong as has happened with quite a few boards. Possibly flash your mobo to a newer BIOS revision...

At this point, could be a number of things...

EDIT: Are you overclocking this rig at all?
That's what I did and it only shows the Temps for my Hard Drive???

Field Value
Hitachi HDS722516VLAT80/a 25 °C (77 °F)

What now?
then whatever board your hp uses has a proprietary sensor chip that everest doesn't have the data for. speedfan or mbm5 may have it, but for now, just try to get those bios temps down below 40c ;)
FWIW I don't think the temps are correct. I turned to PC off for 1 hour and when I turned it back on 63C. I ran 3Dmark03 three times and the temp still 63C.
yeah, that's also a possibility. if the computer is stable during operation, just don't worry about it..

and winchester: you can't compate p4's to athlon xp's.. it just doesn't work ;)
It'd be worth a shot to update the BIOS. I had a DFI nforce 3 250gb that was reporting >50C and I knew that it just wasn't right. I tried reapplying thermal paste and that lowered it maybe 1C. I looked for a new BIOS and sure enough, DFI corrected the thermal readout. Loaded up that puppy and temps settled down to around 45C under load.

I know it's a pretty new computer but don't forget to blow out the HSF once in a while too.
OK I updated the bios and downloaded MBM5 and guess what the cpu temp is....54..still too high but I don't know how to do all that Thermal Paste stuff etc....
54 is better...
and have a look at the heatsink, is it the one that came with the computer? (probably)
actually, i guess it would be easiest if you just took a picture of the thing and posted it :cool:

blow on it.. very hard ;) (don't inhale the dust though)
Sorry for the noob questions but do I blow on it while the PC is running or turn it off etc?
doesn't really matter... i personally use a straw to get into tight spaces, just make sure you don't get any spit on anything :p
OK after updating the bios and rebooting Everest now works and shows my CPU temp from 25C to 42C. It fluctuates around in that range staying mostly around 39C. That sounds much better. Hope it's right. :)
:eek: Don't clean your pc while it's on and unplug it before you open it up or put your hands in there.
beachnut said:
Sorry for the noob questions but do I blow on it while the PC is running or turn it off etc?

hahaha hahahahahaa

think just for 2 seconds before you post bro, you'll thank yourself later. :D