what programs do you guys use for programming, web designing, etc


Feb 1, 2001
Html, jsp, php ----> EditPlus+
Java Apps --> Eclipse, EditPlus+
C/C++ ------> Dev-C++, Microsoft Visual Studio.net
C# -----> (VS.net)
Graphics --------> Photoshop

post yours as well
Vim for all coding.
gcc for compiling C/C++

Java -> yeah, don't really touch this that much, but I like Eclipse IDE.
Since the company I work for are mainly heading down the Java route, I tend to use Eclipse for everything, including Web Services/WSDL, XML, Struts and Hibernate development, as well as front end stuff. I'll occasionally use XML Spy if I'm desperate, or AceHTML 5 if I need a bit of scripting and I'm feeling particularly lazy, but that's about it.

When forced to do ASP.NET, I use WebMatrix. Anyone spotting a pattern here?
HTML/Web work => Macromedia Studio MX (mostly for the site-wide content management)
Generic coding/text/multilanguage scripts => Source Edit
Java => JCreator Pro / Eclipse
C/C++ => Visual Studio 6 / Dev-C++

And, yes, I own my licenses for Macromedia Studio, JCreator Pro, and Visual Studio :)
html/php => editplus

mysql => putty

graphics => photoshop/illustrator/flash/lightwave

webbrowsing => firebird
php: maguma studio
java: eclipse
some quick html, php, java: metapad
i use vim when i use putty to ssh into my school's computer science server
Anyone know of good debuggers for JavaScript work? The thought of the number of times my JavaScripts don't work because of some minor spelling error invisible to my eye makes me want to cry.
Originally posted by UralTerpsichore
Anyone know of good debuggers for JavaScript work? The thought of the number of times my JavaScripts don't work because of some minor spelling error invisible to my eye makes me want to cry.
mozilla has a javascript debugger built in
HTML/Javascript: Dreamweaver MX 2004 (sometimes notepad for small text changes)
Graphics: Photoshop 7 or Photoshop CS
Programming: Visual Basic.net
Dreamweaver MX 2004 for XHTML, CSS, ASP, PHP, Javascript. It's flexible enough to accomodate all my coding styles and requirements.

Photoshop for graphics