what ports to block on router?


Oct 17, 2000
Can someone give me a few tips on securing my wired router? It's about 2 yr's old now and it's an Ansante. I jsut want to make it a bit more secure so if there are certain ports I should be blocknig please let me know. Any other tips welcome, thanks in advance.
All incoming ports are "blocked" by default. The only time ports are open is when you specifically open them or a client on your network initiates an outbound connection. So there's really nothing you can close.
Yeah, you should be good, but I'd advise running a software firewall too, like zonealarm so you know what's trying to access the internet, has helped me catch and stop an infection before it even started.
Yep, if it isn't set already, you should always block all ports except for the ones that you find yourself needing to unblock :)
dave343 said:
Can someone give me a few tips on securing my wired router? It's about 2 yr's old now and it's an Ansante. I jsut want to make it a bit more secure so if there are certain ports I should be blocknig please let me know. Any other tips welcome, thanks in advance.

By default, all ports are shut down with basic NAT routers, so you're set. To have ports open/forwarded...you have to actually go into the management of the router and do so.

Tips to keeping secure...make sure you have the latest firmware, and change the default web admin password.