What network diagramming software do you use?


Apr 16, 2002
I'm using Visio 2000 ATM, but am always looking for better software.
Visio 2002 Pro.

There are alternatives, but the ones that are better than Visio cost a lot, compared to Visio which always seems to be included in something we buy.

- Qualm
pencil & paper right now...

i'm having a hell of a time figuring out who's where in this place.

once I get approval to re-run the drop points, Visio 2k3 all the way.
Visio 2003 Professional... got it for free through my community college... full version, non-expiring, unique key that i can activate...

who sais education is useless? ;)
Visio 2k3

PowerPoint is also good. I used the hell out of it before I was able to get my hands on Visio.
Use Cisco too, i think you can import into Visio to make it look nice, might be what we do when we make these huge print-outs
I've got a really ugly 300+ item Visio 2002 file of my work network.
4'x5' printouts baby! :)
Has way more information than i'd ever want on the Web.
Function, OS, Service Pack, IP, Software, etc.
Not a chance :)