What??? my 800xt plat. wont play Double Agent , your Kidding?


Limp Gawd
Oct 2, 2005
My ATI X800 xt Platnium will not play Splinter cell Double Agent because it doesnt meet the shader requirments...Is That for real? The card has smart shading...is that not good enough?

......Im really pissed about this..... :mad:
nope, requires a sm3 card( i know stupid) and where did u pick it up ( i cant find double agent anywhere)?
yea the game only supports sm3 cards, i heard abt some .ini tweak or something, or maybe Ubi will patch it
At least it won't be an issue after DX10 becomes standard. From my understanding, cards are required to support everything that a developer could throw in there... so none of this shader model nonsense... hopefully.
Chacranajxy said:
At least it won't be an issue after DX10 becomes standard. From my understanding, cards are required to support everything that a developer could throw in there... so none of this shader model nonsense... hopefully.

Until DX11 and it all changes again :)

The current system is pretty good, shaders are built on different shader models and the highest one your video card supports is run, it only fails to work if the developer decides to not create fall back shaders for older systems, which is fair enough.
this has been the only game my card wont play...why would i blow $ on 2 nvidias anyway???
cause one of em plays oblivion at 2560x1600 at MAX settings with 2xaa.... 2 of em would do 2560x1200 at 16ccaa and 16af..... fucking insane

o ya, no dips below 30fps :eek:
Well, they are stupid for not making the game compatible with older versions of pixel shaders. Lots of games support both PS 2.0 and 3.0. That's less sales for them.