What Movie Would You Like to See Made into a Videogame?

Ron1jed said:
I vote debbie does dallas. That be hot. fps style. U would have to resuce her but at the end u get to bone her
FPS? Don't you mean FPB style? First Person Banging...
ninethreeeleven said:
Red Dawn for teh win

yea that would be a good, one and dont forget heat or rambo

o yea I'm the Dude, man: They are working on a Taxi Driver Game
Games that I think would be kind of neat (/browses collection):

The Princess Bride. There is a lot more to this story than just the movie. The book describes a number of settings that didn't make it into the movie. Being able to play as any one of the three protagonists in a given situation (the assault on the castle, the Thieves Forest, etc) would be fantastic. Even playing Inigo vs Wesley in the battle on top of the Cliffs of Insanity would be fun. Explore a little of the back story for Inigo, Fezzig, and Vizzini (sp?). Problems: don't turn it into a lame button-mashing console-ified game. This book and movie featured some great swordplay. Take the time, figure out a way to do sword fighting that makes sense and is accessible (may not be possible). Don't lose the flavor of the movie and books (the dry humor, the decor, etc).

The Three Musketeers: here we are, how many years into making games, and the best we can come up with is a top-down version on the NES (it was NES, right? I'm a little fuzzy on this one). I mean we have fencing, wenching, guns, horseback riding, settings that can provide hours of story and action driven gameplay, all based on a classic book. There have been numerous movies on the subject to provide art pointers (personally, I liked the Disney version the best). The mood can be serious and light-hearted. There are four main protagonists to choose from. I would almost like to see this one done as a third-person quasi-turn based game... almost. That way you could control all four in larger scale battles. On the other hand, first-person with good AI would work as well. Problems: don't screw up the swordplay. It's what makes Three Musketeers the Three Musketeers. Again, a tough one.

The Patriot (or some type of action / hybrid game based on the American Revolution): we keep doing (and keep doing and keep doing) WWII, why not the Revolution? There are bound to be a few out there. I think the last one I played was by Enix and it was strategy (SNES). But give me something that depicts the hardships suffered at the time. Let me see hwo tough it was to stand in a line and get shot at while trying to reload. I would like to see something like this done first-person / tactical hybrid where you can direct men and take control of either the hero or anyone at any time (didn't Braveheart try this?). Again, lots of setting to choose from. Lots and lots of history to explore. It boggles my mind that we keep rehashing WWII (lots of good gaming to be had there) but we skip out on such formative years of the American People. Problems: doing FPS on a scale this large might be tough. I guess it'll be Quake4(?) that'll put us in the middle of larger-scale fighting. And, I don't know how big a market there is for something like American-history based gaming.

Ghostbusters: has it really been that long since we have seen a Ghostbusters game? I mean, really? We've seen an upsurge in paranormal type games over the last few years. One of the biggest upcoming games is FEAR. Why wouldn't something like Ghostbusters work? FPS, of course. The sound hardware is here, the videocards have caught up enough to give us truly dazzling light shows. Destructible environments. PKE meters, unlicensed nuclear accelerators, hot chicks asking if I'm a god, man... what's there not to like? Problems: the Ghostbusters franchise is now 20 years old. And while it's a cult classic, there may not be the connection that there once was to the characters and the actors. That's ok, it can be gotten past (franchise to new cities maybe? it was mentioned in the movie) but it may prove too much of an anchor to get by. Still, concentrate on gameplay, don't have stupid storylines, I think it'd sell.

Tombstone: the wild west is a fantastic setting. I think there's a game coming out soon in the wild west setting (GUN) but it doesn't really do anything historically. This one would be tough to get done right. Theres a certain quality about the wild west games in the past that have always turned me off to them. I can't really describe it. Something in this era setup as a role-playing game might work well. Problems: wild west games haven't been particularly popular in the past, will they be someday? Is there a way to do a good western game without simply filling everything full of lead?

Prophecy: not a great movie but lots of potential. To be involved in a battle for heaven between renegade angels with their own agendas and a third side (hell) getting involved for extra chaos would be fantastic. Play as human trying to understand what's going on, or as angels on either side. Action to happen on Earth or Heaven, heavenly (if you'll forgive me) powers, etc. Problem: gameplay would have to be paramount here and no stupid stories (i.e. finding a lost soul who eats other souls and so becomes their inheritor). Then there's a stigma playing "religious" types of games.

Other thoughts but running out of steam: Grosse Point Blank, Thomas Crown Affair, Heat, Spaceballs (the video game!).
Drving Miss Daisy in the style of Carmageddon


or or or

Thelma and Louise : The Driving Simulator

or or or

Fried Green Tomatoes : The beat 'em up

(oh no, winona ryder...smack smack...suplex...smash....folding chair, whack....)
I was just thinking of "The people under the stairs" in a Resident Evil type of setup.
arkamw said:
Ghostbusters: has it really been that long since we have seen a Ghostbusters game? I mean, really? We've seen an upsurge in paranormal type games over the last few years. One of the biggest upcoming games is FEAR. Why wouldn't something like Ghostbusters work? FPS, of course. The sound hardware is here, the videocards have caught up enough to give us truly dazzling light shows. Destructible environments. PKE meters, unlicensed nuclear accelerators, hot chicks asking if I'm a god, man... what's there not to like? Problems: the Ghostbusters franchise is now 20 years old. And while it's a cult classic, there may not be the connection that there once was to the characters and the actors. That's ok, it can be gotten past (franchise to new cities maybe? it was mentioned in the movie) but it may prove too much of an anchor to get by. Still, concentrate on gameplay, don't have stupid storylines, I think it'd sell.

Ghostbusters would be awesome if done right...You sir are a genius. If they could get an ok from Bill Murray for his likeness the game would be awesome. I swear to god I'd be the first to pre-order it, as long as it stays movie ghostbusters and not one of these cartoon or comic book reincarnations that they have released in the past.
enemy at the gates, I know there are a lot of WW2 FPS but I like them and would like it if they did it in the style the movie was, not just sniping lots of enemies but just a few really hard enemy snipers. Like if they dedicated a whole lot of there time to get every little detail about the sniping system right.
Payback-just because I want to shoot that guys luggage and get called mean for doing it.
darkhorse said:
enemy at the gates, I know there are a lot of WW2 FPS but I like them and would like it if they did it in the style the movie was, not just sniping lots of enemies but just a few really hard enemy snipers. Like if they dedicated a whole lot of there time to get every little detail about the sniping system right.
Don't know if it'll hit all the details that you are asking about, but there is a game called Sniper (dev: 1C, release 2006) that is based off the same guy (Vassili Zaitsev). Should be cool.
Friday the 13th. Gotta walk around and scare the shit outta campers and lop their heads off while they're boinking. Throw Nightmare on Elm street in that mix too.

The Postman would be an interesting one.

Man with no name series...good western bounty hunter game :D
arkamw said:
This quote has been edited for content and to run in the space alotted.
The only problem with a game based on the Revolutionary war is...nobody wants to wait 60 seconds before they can fire their gun again. Nor stand in formation and take turns shooting with the enemy. I think that's the whole problem.

Really what I'd like to see is a video game adaptation of The Good The Bad and The Ugly. There just hasn't been a Western Shooter on the PC at all since that one game Lucasarts made whose name eludes me.
Unknown-One said:
So my choice is Labyrinth; if it were done right (and by the very nature of the labyrinth) it would have the ultimate replay value. The game would be different each and every single time you played it, and could even contain scenarios not played out in the movie (and still be true to the story).

I would agree with the first post that Labyrinth would be such a cool game – by the way, did you all know that it was turned into a game for the original Nintendo Entertainment System? It was released in Japan only (AFAIK) here are a few screen shots from an NES emulator:

For other movies I would like to see turned into a game: The Abyss, and a movie from the early ‘80s called “Stranded”. It was a low-budget sci-fi about aliens trapped on earth, but it had a neat premise, and some awesome aliens.

Games I would like to see turned into movies: System Shock, Thief

Its’ a little further from the main topic, but I would really like a game from the ZORK universe done with today’s graphic capabilities. The graphic ZORK games like “Return to ZORK”, and “ZORK: Grand Inquisitor” just weren’t done so well.
Boondock Saints would be a good movie turned into a game. Getting drunk walking around and killing 'bad' people. Great movie could be a great game. Could only image two player Co-op... maybe like an updated Streets of Rage with 3D environments.

Bad Boys 2.. Nothing like the car chase scene on the highway... Holy shit a boat coming right at us... good action flick... 3rd person not first... too damn many FPS.

Mars Attacks... this would be a great comedic game. It would be great if you could play both the aliens and the humans.. fun movie would be a fun game.
PescadoDiablo said:
YES!, BR would rule you as an FPS or Jabberwocky as an adventure hack & slash RPG

I don't think enough people here have seen battle royale or else they would agree too.
I'd like to see 2 movies made into games. Tomb Raider I think that movie would be a great game. Decent story line and the thought of watching a girl from 3rd person as she climbs around etc excites me! Hopefully after the intial game that don't screw up the franchise though because everyone knows the first one is the bestone ^-^

Street Fighter! Dude I want to see John Claud in a street fighter game.. He is such a great actor we must see him on a side scroll fight game sorta like the old mortal kombat games. Maybe they could make fatalities for the street fighter game and have it so when you almost defeat John Claud then you rip his head off and p on it.. then poor gasoline on it, burn it, take the ashes and dump them in the ocean so that sea life can feed off of his remains. That would rock!
ChronicTrees said:
I don't think enough people here have seen battle royale or else they would agree too.

I show it to lots of people, they all love it. Yes, yes they do, I make sure about that...

Battle Royale IMDB Info

Any idea what it would take to start a mod team to make a BR mod that was decent? My biggest problem being that I would be useless to the mod team technically, at the moment at least.
Ok, this wasn't a movie. Rather it was a short lived tv series a few years back. I can't remember the name of it but it was set in the future when space travel was not only possible but fairly commonplace. The story focused on a group of young space marines that did all sorts of missions against an alien race that seemed intent upon destroying us humans. They flew one man space fighters that could also fly in a planets atmosphere.

You could have missions in space kind of like the Descent Freespace games and then have other missions where you had land on another planet and get out and go FPS style on the planet.

Anyone remember this tv series. I wish I could remember the name. It was a really good series but it was cancelled for some unknown reason.
Genocidal[v2] said:
Space: Above and Beyond

Ashame that show died. Another Fox fuckup by putting it in different time slots every week.

If we are venturing into TV series, I hope they put up a Battlstar Galactica, after the retards who pulled the plug on the SG! game are beaten to death and thrown out of the industry permenantly.
Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness

I know they have Hail to the king out as a video game, but still they should have made the rest of the series as games also.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, with the ether included for an "enhanced gaming experience"