what mobo would be the best to oc a 64 3200+


Jul 27, 2004
I am a noob to overclcoking but i have done alot of reserach. I bought and astek watercooling kit with a maze 4 waterblock. I want to know which mobo would get me to 2.45 on my 64 3200+ 1mb l2. any suggestions
a lot of motherboards will get you there, but i can only speak for the epox 8kda3j personally. Overclocks great and has almost every feature you can get. I can hit 2.55ghz or so with my 3000+ CG but i havent tried to get any higher yet =/
I've hit 237 x 11 (2.6GHz) on my Gigabyte K8N Pro, but the K8N Pro is outdated technology (nForce3 150) so I'd put my money on the EPoX 8KDA3J, I've always had a thing for EPoX
right now i'm looking at several different boards the chaintech vnf3-250 the msi k8n neo platinum and the epox EPoX 8KDA3J and the aopen ak89 any recommendations on those specifically
I have the MSI K8N Neo Plat and it works like a charm. It has tons of options for overclocking in the bios.