What makes a LCD monitor HDTV compatible


Jan 24, 2005
Can someone in the know please explain what makes an LCD monitor HDTV compatible. For example in the current range of top 23" monitors the Apple / Viewsonic / HP are all speced as being HDTV compatible but the equivalent Sony is not despite also being 1920x1200.
Someone can go ahead and correct me on this, but I would assume calling a LCD computer monitor "HDTV Compatible" is just a superfluous spec meant to sell more sets. The resolutions that computer monitors run at make them HDTV compatible by default. That is unless "HDTV Compatible" means there are connections on the monitor that allow it take not only VGA (and possibly DVI), but also component HDTV inputs.
Thanks Decius. That was kind of my train of thought as well but before shelling out a big wad of cash for the Sony (which is my choice from those listed above) I just wanted to make sure. The whole HD market is getting more confusing with a number of different technologies being employed although I hope they eventualy settled on DVI & HDMI.
as far as the apple goes, the HD means the resolution is high enough so that you can edit/display high definition content on them. (ie: 1080i)
Yeah it's just marketing. Sure if the monitor has high enough resolution, you can call it HD (I'm looking in your general direction, Apple), but if it has no video input and hooking it to a HD STB box with DVI doesn't work, what's the point?

Now something like the HP f2304 with video input and DVI that works with a STB and even has speakers, can legitimately be called HDTV compatible. And it's probably good for use as a 2nd HDTV. But I had this thing next to a CRT RPTV and the poor contrast and poor black level compared to the CRT was glaring, so I have no desire for using it for HDTV.
LxT said:
but if it has no video input and hooking it to a HD STB box with DVI doesn't work, what's the point?
Why would it not work via DVI? Sorry for sounding stupid but I though that DVI supported HD or are there certain DVI inputs that do support it and others that don't?