what looks better 2405 fpw or 37 westington


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2006
just curious what you think has the best image quality in games sitting 2 ft in front of the screen. Also desktop and movies.
2 ft, of cource the 2405 because of the pixel density...

but farther away, the westy is a bigger and brighter picture imo, and pixel density dosent effect it much
I havnt used a 37, but I have a 24 inch Dell, and I think anything bigger, that close, would really get to me. I like sitting at a normal desk, distance, no matter the size of the screen, so the 37 would be a bit much. Now if its for DVD watching and games, your probably not going to be 2 feet away, as your lean back or sit on the sofa.

Try sitting 2 feet from your TV right now lol, that be about the same feeling, on a 37 inch. Then goto to Yahoo, with a white background
At 2ft for general use i'd say the 2405. Aside from having a lower pixel density the 37" westy will most likely be significantly brighter which while great for larger distances will probally be a bit fatiguing close up. The larger the display the further you should be sitting from it really, thats true for any display.

That said, i only own the 2405 and cannot really comment on the actual image quality of the westy. The 3007 will be arriving later today, if anyone wants to buy me a westy 37" i'd be glad to try it out. ;)