What is your Mac mini configuration?

James Crivellone said:
My Config

1GB Ram
100GB 5400RPM HD
Airport Extreme
USB External Audio with Optical

Of course you cannot get that HD from apple, so I would swap the HD and upgrade the ram myself, I would also save myself 100 bucks and add my own superdrive.

I'm not a fan of buying a prebuilt machine from anybody, within seconds of taking it out of the box it will be ripped open.

I mean hell, how else would I own a 700mhz G3 Ibook with a 60GB 5400rpm HD and a Superdrive? :D

Where did you find a 2.5" 100gb hard drive? I thought 80 was the largest made.
rene mauricio said:
Someone said you can pay Apple $20.00 and have them mail you an OS disk and not have it be a restore cd/dvd. Is this true?

what they are probably talking about is OS 9.2.2 that you get IF you purchase a retail copy of OS X...either that or they are talking about an upgrade to OS X if you buy your computer after we announce the release of 10.4 but before we start putting it on the systems
Anyone have performance benchmarks/comparisons between a 1.25 and a 1.42 machine of any type? I'm curious if the few mhz justifies purchasing the faster model (hard drives aside)
ZenPirate said:
Anyone have performance benchmarks/comparisons between a 1.25 and a 1.42 machine of any type? I'm curious if the few mhz justifies purchasing the faster model (hard drives aside)

I would like to know also. Is 170MHz really worth it? I know the $100.00 asking price also doubles the HDD space but that, for me anyway, is not a problem.
rene mauricio said:
I would like to know also. Is 170MHz really worth it? I know the $100.00 asking price also doubles the HDD space but that, for me anyway, is not a problem.

well its not an increase in bus speed, just one multi increase. 170mhz for a G4 is (guessing) roughly equal to about 250-275mhz for an A64. Its a jump, but I would wager that a big bump in RAM would be more worth your money than a jump in mhz.
That extra 170Mhz might come in handy when playing HD content. Better to get that now and then upgrade the ram later. And yes the ram is user upgradable, apple just doesnt recommend it, but they will hornor the warranty if the user upgrades the ram.
Those are some wise words.
I called up the Apple store and the guy I spoke too said that a lot of people started out with the 1.25 and within days upgraded to the 1.42 but did not know exactly why - though he could guess. :p

riyadc said:
That extra 170Mhz might come in handy when playing HD content. Better to get that now and then upgrade the ram later. And yes the ram is user upgradable, apple just doesnt recommend it, but they will hornor the warranty if the user upgrades the ram.

actually the RAM is NOT user upgradable and is supposed to be done by an Authorized Apple Service Provider...as for the warranty...if an end user did upgrade it there wouldn't be any issue UNLESS there was damage to the unit (internal or external) and in that case it would not be covered
on or before feb 15th? crap.

wonder when the shipping is on the 1.25ghz models?
gigglebyte said:
actually the RAM is NOT user upgradable and is supposed to be done by an Authorized Apple Service Provider...as for the warranty...if an end user did upgrade it there wouldn't be any issue UNLESS there was damage to the unit (internal or external) and in that case it would not be covered

Well, there is no problem with the end user upgrading the ram, as long as apple honors the warranty. I am sure most people here are compitent enough the install the ram on the mac mini without breaking anything.
**IF** you can figure how to get the case open (I am sure the info will be floating around the web soon if not already on how to do it) with out any damage to it, the clips or any components then there won't be any issues..you snap something during the process it won't be covered
Looks like i'll be getting my cheap-ish home recording studio and also a nice little mac out of it

Garage81 said:
i would like to mod one of these, and a microatx box into one box, while also modding a kvm into the box. imagine how cool that would be, if you rig the kvm up to a switch on the front of the case, allowing you to go from pc<->mac mode in the switch of a button.

man, that would kick ass. i hope someone does that.

edit: be damn cool also if they modded a small switch or hub in there, and had both computers networked, and had a shared larger hard drive in there too.

KaosDG said:
USB KVM's suck ass dude.
Most of them don't support the extended keys (vol, eject, etc) and generally are pretty crappy.

(Also please stay away from the Belkin's...)

What I do is use a plain ol' PS/2 KVM as just a monitor switch, and have a seperate Keyboard / Mouse for my Mac

putting a mac on a kvm is fun... make sure your USB cables are giving a clean signal first, two reinstalls of 10.3 taught me that lesson. They DO work though, as long as you use the mac supplied keyboard/mouse. XP recognises them :D
I would like to get one. They are very affrordable. Looks like Mac's stab at the market that Dell has ahold of (the $499 PC)

I am a graphic artist and use Macs at work... but have always used PCs at home. My first impressions of OSX after using windows for so long (before recently, the last mac I had used on a regular basis was a IIc up until 1995 when I got my first windows computer.) I thought OSX was really great. But after sitting with it for so long at work I have noticed that, at least I think, it lacks a lot of OS programs that are built into windows. For example, I did a little web work for my boss reccently and I could not find a program in OSX (10.2) that would open up an .html document like "Notepad" would in windows. All the other programs wanted to use formatting and all sorts of wierd stuff when reading the HTML, but I could not figure out how to get a simple ASCII text editor. I resorted back to system 9 which has 'SimpleText" and used it. Maybe I just don't know where to find all those down 'n dirty applications. It also seems like OSX lacks a lot of hardcore power-user settings and things. It also took me a good 15 minutes before I found a program that could erase a CDRW for me. Ended up finding and using Disk Utility. It just seems to me like everything is watered down and prettied up.

But then again.. I do love how everything operates and flows. It seems like there are less dead-stop slowdowns unlike in windows. If my windows computer boggs down when I try to open a large photoshop file, quadruple-clicking on the file several dozen times just worsens the situation. Yet on a mac, it seems to speed up the process..... :-/

If you have some cash to spend.. maybe try picking up one of these instead of that new 500$ video card for your PC... trust me.. it will grow on you.

Please don't take some of the above as a flame.. it is just my experiences with both OSes as I use both on a daily basis.
Looks like i'll be getting my cheap-ish home recording studio and also a nice little mac out of it

please tell me you're getting a firewire drive to record to..

that would open up an .html document like "Notepad" would in window

um, control click, open with script editor. done. :D

per the other nagging about cdrw rewriting, erm... toast? honestly. i would wager most mac users, being able to spend more from the get go, actually equip their machines with dreamweaver and toast for a meager $200 to perform the above apointed tasks... i can't believe apple got rid of the floppy drive, my pc has that! lol jk. i get where your coming from but to me they're pretty small down sides to not having spyware issues or really any virus problems, and to have such a wonderfully competent os in terms of applicable unique features that windows still hasn't caught up to yet... it all depends on your perspective i guess.



ps some mac mini's shipped today, don't recall if it was the 1.4 or 1.2, i'll check tomorrow

For example, I did a little web work for my boss reccently and I could not find a program in OSX (10.2) that would open up an .html document like "Notepad" would in windows.

Turn off HTML parsing in TextEdit. Use Emacs, vi, pico, etc. There are plenty of options. Or you can download Smultron for free and get syntax highlight, row counting, etc.

It also seems like OSX lacks a lot of hardcore power-user settings and things. It also took me a good 15 minutes before I found a program that could erase a CDRW for me. Ended up finding and using Disk Utility. It just seems to me like everything is watered down and prettied up.

OS X has a lot more hardcore power-user settings than previous versions. You just need to use the Terminal and NetInfo Manager for most of it.

It took you 15 minutes to find Disk Utility?! Either way, Toast is better. The built-in tools for CD burning and such aren't really all that great in Windows, either. It's a typical thing where third party tools are the best.

And your perception of it is... well... wrong, essentially. Mac OS X isn't about making it prettier, it's about making it better, and it generally succeeds, regardless of what the greybeards say.
gigglebyte said:
what they are probably talking about is OS 9.2.2 that you get IF you purchase a retail copy of OS X...either that or they are talking about an upgrade to OS X if you buy your computer after we announce the release of 10.4 but before we start putting it on the systems

Not sure I follow you here...
Does the Mac mini have OS 9 and Panther? I do recall a friend of mine saying that Apple gave you both but I did not bother to make it a point to remember since back then owning a Mac was a pipe dream.
rene mauricio said:
Not sure I follow you here...
Does the Mac mini have OS 9 and Panther? I do recall a friend of mine saying that Apple gave you both but I did not bother to make it a point to remember since back then owning a Mac was a pipe dream.

yes all Apple comps come with OS 9 and OS X and you get the disks to reload if you need but none of the new comps are able to boot back to OS 9 and can only run in Classic mode (a shell of OS 9 while in OS X)
Nasty_Savage said:
hehe, imagin slammin one into a large PC case along with a Micro ATX machine and having a networked machine in one box? :D Hmmmm, I feel the temptation FLOWING through me! I will need to do some investigation as to TV capture software first before hand though ;)

thats what i thought: get a stacker and load the thing with max minis, install a network render software on all of them and have a renderfarm in an ATX case :)
Whoever said that the mini comes with OS 9 too is wrong. Apple stopped including preinstalled OS9 over a year ago. You can still run classic apps in "classic" mode, but why you would want to, I have no idea.

I bought my first Mac right when OS 10.3 came out, and I have never looked back. Even 10.2 seems prehistoric.
fraeone said:
Whoever said that the mini comes with OS 9 too is wrong. Apple stopped including preinstalled OS9 over a year ago. You can still run classic apps in "classic" mode, but why you would want to, I have no idea.

I bought my first Mac right when OS 10.3 came out, and I have never looked back. Even 10.2 seems prehistoric.

Classic **IS** OS 9...it is just running in OS X...we don't make machines that BOOT to OS 9 any more but OS 9 is still installed on ALL comps at this point in time
esr2 said:
please tell me you're getting a firewire drive to record to..


nope. i have the 80gb internal. but i also have harddrive space on my PC i could access via the network.
BTO from apple....

80GB drive
Airport Extreme
Combo drive

Ordered at the end of January. Ships on or before 3/1. :rolleyes:

The only upgrade I didn't get was the superdrive, I can burn the disk images over the network on my main box. Probably this summer I'll replace the drive with a 7200rpm model.