What is your connection speed?

What is your connection speed?

  • 512 kbps / 128 kbps

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • 1 MB / 256 kbps

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • 1.5 MB

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • 2 MB / 512 kbps

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • More, please specifiy

    Votes: 49 64.5%

  • Total voters
i'm at work

4672 / 2153

it must be limited though because ive seen downloads as high as 1000kb/s before here, this is only showing around 400kb/s
Jasonx82 said:
You dial-up user dont exist to us.. We ignore your existence.. :D

You must work for a broadband company because they sure do ignore my existance. :p

I can only get dialup (hills and trees block satellite and wireless) and it is 26kbps at best with such bad lines that the connection drops randomly every once in a while.
mcravenufo said:
You must work for a broadband company because they sure do ignore my existance. :p

I can only get dialup (hills and trees block satellite and wireless) and it is 26kbps at best with such bad lines that the connection drops randomly every once in a while.

You get 26kbps on a dialup, and your complaining?


I used to use dialup, 56k, I never got more then 4kbps
2910 Download
359 Upload

Is this bad? I tested using the DC server (I live in maryland).
i get around 4.5 kbps on dialup in the overpopulated regions of suburban pittsburgh, located within <10 miles of >5 isp corporate buildings...
Something 4000/384 now with Comcast.

Going to be 15000/2000 within next month or so with Verizon FiOS :)
4Mbps down, 512Kbps up. Solid service for me from Cox since day one, although there have been some connection issues related to my WiFi equipment on occasion.
