What is wrong with Asus?


Mar 29, 2003
Can the premeire motherboard manufacturer seriously not have enough money to make a better website than a four year old? As long as I have been building computers (well over ten years) I have been using Asus motherboards as they have been the most stable and best overclocking for me. But their website is simply ridiculous - it's so bad that at times I wish I was back on my chip-killing DFI expert.

Not only is the design beyond terrible, but have you ever tried to download something? "The server is busy", "Loading - please wait", and "Page not found" are the most common results. And one the rare occasion the download works - 4.4k/s. It just took me 1min, 48 seconds to download a 600k bios file (and the only server that worked was the European one).

I've experienced this on multiple computers and ISP's so I know it's not just me. Why can't they just make even a half decent website? It's not as if they don't have enough money!
There's been numerous threads about ASUS's site. I don't know what their deal is but it does need to addressed asap.
Strange. I got to asus site all the time and never have any problems.
I've noticed that at times, the top drop-down menu isn't there. I would come back later, and they are there again. It's very annoying as the only way to go to download is by the drop-down Download menu. This is especially true of the US site. Sucks...
As long as they build great motherboards such as my old Asus A7V (kids basic gaming pc) going on 7 years now, I really dont care about their crappy website. All great information for the Asus line of mobos can be found on the hardforum and the pcper.com forums (old AMDMB.com).

But I do feel your pain if drivers, bios and other updates are not found elsewhere... :(
Asus is over-extended. Just look at the sheer number of boards they offer. Many are modifications of other boards, and just like copying an unclear original; if the reference has issues, they'll be increased in the offshoots. After my Striker took a nose-dive, they've lost my business for the next few years until I hear they've truly gotten back on track. They need to slow down, offer fewer and better-developed products.

P.S. oh, and the 'Heart-Touching' business? it's a mistranslation from the Chinese. In Chinese it reads 'moving' (as in emotionally moving, i.e., breathtaking). In that light it makes more sense, but jeepers, can't they pay a guy $10 to render it more idiomatically? It's representative of the 'Stop just short of enough' mind set. Unfortunately, their customers are paying the receive a competent product and ancillary services, and in this case, 'almost enough'... isn't.
I have issues with this all the time too. If you do manage to connect for a download, it's slow as Christmas. And Firefox compatibility... how hard is that? I've had to switch to IE before just to go through dropdowns and menus that don't work in Firefox (try the Product Comparison feature if you want an example). And yet, I'm on my second Asus mobo just because I like their boards so much...
their servers have been infected with that .ani security vulnerability virus. i think there is a story on the front page about it.
Yea the website is a bit crappy, but i get good Download speeds usually 100-300kb/s from em, but im in the UK.
I just checked out their site and sure enough, it tried to infect my computer with the .ani virus. Norton blocked it. But still.... having a virus on your corporate website. thats BRUTAL.
I just checked out their site and sure enough, it tried to infect my computer with the .ani virus. Norton blocked it. But still.... having a virus on your corporate website. thats BRUTAL.

Now, you just know the guy who hacked their site is a disgruntled Striker Extreme owner. :D
P.S. oh, and the 'Heart-Touching' business? it's a mistranslation from the Chinese. In Chinese it reads 'moving' (as in emotionally moving, i.e., breathtaking). In that light it makes more sense, but jeepers, can't they pay a guy $10 to render it more idiomatically? It's representative of the 'Stop just short of enough' mind set. Unfortunately, their customers are paying the receive a competent product and ancillary services, and in this case, 'almost enough'... isn't.

that heart-touching explanation was rock solid

I guess I'm just lucky, but I'm using Firefox and their whole site works absolutely fine for me. Just to test it, I downloaded the latest BIOS for my motherboard, and it probably took less than a minute to do the whole process (the download was done almost instantly).
I've always had okay luck when I go to their website. I wish some of the motherboard pages had some more details on the motherboards.
I guess I'm just lucky, but I'm using Firefox and their whole site works absolutely fine for me. Just to test it, I downloaded the latest BIOS for my motherboard, and it probably took less than a minute to do the whole process (the download was done almost instantly).

I never said the whole site was Firefox-broken. Go to their home page (http://usa.asus.com/) and click "Product Comparison" on the left side. Now try to compare products... I'll be very surprised if it works, I just checked it with Firefox Also, the top menus used to be covered up by the ads occasionally, but it seems they've fixed that now.
Asus has the worst customer service. They never want to reply back to e-mails!
I like their boards, but I always feel like a need a shower after visiting that horrid site.
I noticed this yesterday trying to download a manual and bios for my motherboard. The website was extremely slow.

Now here's the thing: My friend who lives down the street from me on the same ISP had absolutely no problems with their website whatsoever. He downloaded what I needed and sent it to me. The only difference between us was that he was using opera and I was using IE. Strange.
I noticed this yesterday trying to download a manual and bios for my motherboard. The website was extremely slow.

Now here's the thing: My friend who lives down the street from me on the same ISP had absolutely no problems with their website whatsoever. He downloaded what I needed and sent it to me. The only difference between us was that he was using opera and I was using IE. Strange.

Zomg, IE!? Use firefox. :p
This reminds me of when the Northwoods were all the rage on here,and many eithier had an Asus p4b266 or an Epox,and Asus was terrible about support and bios updates :mad:

It seems nothing has changed :rolleyes:
We should redesign their site and then sell it to them :p

I remember, when my A8N-SLI Deluxe came out, that their website was slow as heck and only had 1 of the 3 foreign links working and at 3kb/s.

That reoccurs every now and then, but they've been fairly good with it lately :)

But yea, their site is ancient...
I was wondering which website I was getting my virus from. I had to go into regedit after each night to kill it. Now I know it's Asus. Thanks
No wonder my antivirus programs keep detecting Bloodhound on my PC. It came from Asssssus!
When I was having problems with the North American Site a few weeks back I just started using the Global site.. Worked much better, and I could actually download stuff.
No wonder my antivirus programs keep detecting Bloodhound on my PC. It came from Asssssus!

Chances are they're false positives. I have NOD32 which is arguably the most accurate/quality AV and it does not detect anything on ASUS's site. It's definitely a better AV than norton..