What is VDDC?


Apr 8, 2003
If anybody knows just where on the 4870 x2 the vddc is you can save me ALLOT of trouble.

In GPU-Z, among the various temperature monitors for each core are VDDC Slave 1, 2, and 3...I was getting some artifacting at full load so I was looking at these temps...On GPU # 2 I am running about 10 degrees centigrade higher on all three of these. Under load they get into the high 60's....I believe I must have a bad water block contact.

Both GPU's stay cool as do the VDDC # 1, 2, and 3 on GPU # 1.

Any clues?

Thank you hard guru's.
So based on what I have read thus far, vddc temps in the 60's should not be anywhere high enough to cause artifacting....do you guys agree...
So based on what I have read thus far, vddc temps in the 60's should not be anywhere high enough to cause artifacting....do you guys agree...
I've never has a problem with regulators at those temps. Usually the 100C+ range is where they get damaged. What's the main problem here, that you're artifacting while overclocking? You might have just reached the card's limit.
I was running stock at the time..anyway I tightened some screws and they still run about 10-17 degrees hotter on the 2nd GPU but no more arifact...so it may have just been a glitch/software/who knows...

...though it did look like overclocking pre-failure artifacting which is what made me think it was a heat issue originally...I dont really trust the ati control panel because it always tells me the clocks are set at something different that I set them to so who knows...The auto tune feature told me I could run like 780/990 and I am running currently at 700/900...the second gpu vddc slaves idle around 45 and max around 67 which is about 17 degrees hotter than the vddc slaves from the first gpu...so even if these are within specs it is bothersome that there is such a disparity between the two...
If you don't feel comfortable you can always RMA it anyway.
At this point I am gaming with no artifacts...my slight irritation with one hotter vddc would not equal my frustration at needing to pull my rig apart again and replace the stock heat sink and start all over again for possible worse results...I am officially ok with this issue now...not to say I will not be looking to reduce those temps...I will likely pull the board apart and re-eval the thermal connection between the vddc and the water block...trouble is I still do not know exactly where it is on the card...the one that corresponds to the gpu # 2 vddc slave 1,2, and 3 temps in GPU-z. Do you know?
4890 here

VDDC slaves go just over 100C running furmark but I don't get artifacts etc so i guess is okay the high temps