What is this amazing "Autopatcher" Update?


Feb 8, 2005
Hi guys, I have had a ton of people recommend autopatcher in the past. I tried it with Xp a LONG time ago, and it fixed a lot of problems including cdrw, defrag, and made things smoother. I wasn't into computer's as much back then.

My PC's are on Windows 2000 Pro right now. I forgot all about the autopatcher programs, but they just released a new one for Windows 2000 and WIndows XP just now. Should i give it a try. What does it do exactly?

Here is a link:

If your on a fast cable modem network, it's always been easier to me to just hit Windows Update. I slipstream the latest SP into my XP CD using AutoStreamer, and that's it. I'm on a 10 Mb Cable service, so I have no issues with just going to WindowsUpdate for my post SP2 update needs.