What is the Operating System you loved to use the most?

XP got the most use from me. 7 was pretty close behind it, but I dontt think you can top how it felt going from and older version of windows to XP. The difference was amazing and exactly what we needed at the time.
Hmm. I liked Windows 3.11 - networking with graphics, and back to Dos for other things.

I liked XP, hated Vista (realized it was mostly due to the laptop it was on, after the service pack it was more like 7.)

Had a super fast version of Windows 95 (boot fast, ran well, hardly ever crashed, shut down fast - faster than any of the OS following) OSR 2222 build, if I remember the terminology correctly. Guess it was my fav...

98SE I had no issues with, and regretted letting that go (again stable, fast boot/shut down.)

XP was ok, I grew used to it. Felt like 98SE on roids. (And not always in a good way...)

7 is great, though I feel it is bloated.

Tried 8, realized it was NOT designed for productivity, but for forcing Marketplace and "universal OS" on the masses. Can't install with a DVD? Want me to pay Micro$oft 30% thru their store for any new programs or "apps?" I didn't buy an Apple for a reason. Stop trying to imitate them... (Though you have done so since 3.11 and earlier...)
I put 8.x up there with Windoze ME. Both are horrible and should not have been released. At least until the major annoyances and bugs had been addressed.
Had a super fast version of Windows 95 (boot fast, ran well, hardly ever crashed, shut down fast - faster than any of the OS following) OSR 2222 build, if I remember the terminology correctly. Guess it was my fav...
If you mean Windows 95 OSR2, the version number was 4.00.1111 (or 4.00.950B if looking under System Properties). It was Windows 98 SE that had the build number 2222 (version 4.10.2222).