What is the longest time you have spent gaming. One sitting

I did 54 hours straight at a LAN with about 1 or 2 min breaks for the bathroom.

The majority of that time was spent playing Tribes :)
Two of my brothers and I did 27 hours straight when we first got Resident Evil. Two would watch while the other payed, switching when you died, or had to go the bathroom. Good times. :)

Now though, I only play about 3 hours a week, including the weekends. Not wishing for more time either, it helps make my games seem worth the money.
Molingrad said:
longest ive played was 6-7 hours woke up at 11:00 in morning played FFX all day

Very similar experiences...All of my long gaming marathons have been with Final Fantasy games. 6-7 hours.

However, Alpha Centauri gave those times a run for their money :)
longest gaming session was when i got my cube + super smash bros melee. we rent 2 extra controllers and did some 2v2 melee from 10 am to 5 am.
for a pc game its probably when i upgraded from a p2 233 to the comp in my sig 4 years ago (replace the ge4 by a ge2tivx 64 meg ddr) I played 16 hours of tacops version 2.2 straight :/
Probably 8 or so at lans. I am sure I have played some online games close to that.
3 days no sleep at a lan, 4 hours of that was spent eating/pissing but w00t :cool:

edit: i then went home and slept for almost 2 days :rolleyes:
with just bathroom and drink mixing breaks I did about 10 straight w/ a bud (Serious Sam co-op all the way through). I've done 14-ish w/ UT, though I'll never do THAT much again.

Wife and I did 20-ish hours of halo2 in the 2-3 days after it came out. (co-op on normal, co-op on hard, and cursing at legendary's annoying change w/ respawning)
with my ex being a well... ex now... I've been able to put down 12-14 hours in WoW on the weekends in one sitting... :( At least my highest character is 38 and my next highest is 14...

Back in HS, I remember playing Dungeon Keeper 2... starting at 5pm or so... and when I stopped playing, the sun was coming up and it was 6am... lol.

We LAN at a friend's house, those are 20 hour sessions, but we do take breaks to go out and get food and stuff.

If I really get into something, I can do it for hours. I can play the piano for hours, used to play my trumpet for 8-9 hours too. Same with books, I've been known to polish off a novel in 1 sitting. Free time rules :) I just wish I had more of it this semester :(
I use to do around 16 hours of ut2k4 on days when I didnt have any rl responsibilities to worry about

wake up around 10 and play scrims with my clan until 2am

altho alot of that time is spent on irc finding scrims

Most I do now is mebbe 5-6 hours in a sitting of WoW.

got a lvl 50 undead rogue and various other characters at lvl 7-9
accidentalsuccess said:
Wife and I did 20-ish hours of halo2 in the 2-3 days after it came out. (co-op on normal, co-op on hard, and cursing at legendary's annoying change w/ respawning)

I really hope the woman I end up marrying wants to play video games with me for massively long stretches.

My max is probably around 18 hours on either Diablo 2 or Morrowind or Gunbound (yeah I know...)

I can't remember the longest time I've played in one sitting but on weekends a few years ago I would put in 7-8 hours easily on DII. This doesn't include all of the Saturday and Sunday afternoons I spent playing it as well. I've done the same with Warcraft III too.

More recently I would go over to a friend's house and play some LAN games where we would put up 10-12 hours over the course of an afternoon and evening. Also Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines has been taking up most of my free time, particularly nights, recently. That game is way too addicting. :cool:
accidentalsuccess said:
Wife and I did 20-ish hours of halo2 in the 2-3 days after it came out. (co-op on normal, co-op on hard, and cursing at legendary's annoying change w/ respawning)

That's quite the night out. ;)
I couldn't give you an exact time but I have probably played at least 18 hours a day once or twice. Probably while playing bg2 or kotor.
72 hours a few times for Everquest back in High School.

48hours 5 to 10 times and 24 hours more times then i care to mention all in Everquest.

Granted I had the time was mostly during summer breaks and first year in college.

i swear i lived off coke and beef jerky for a few years.
dajet24 said:
Granted I had the time was mostly during summer breaks and first year in college.

Yea...I did that back during my first year in college...after looking at my transcript I only wish I didn't play that much :D
I don't know exactly how long it was, but...

Phantasy Star Online; first online game I ever played that worked well with 56k.

I started on a Friday night. I didn't truly stop until a Sunday morning (Bathroom breaks do take precedence........eventually).
Jesus I'm so lame :( I thought that it would be like 24 but DUDE! That 72 hour one was insane :eek:

Hail to the [H] Gamers :D
Xyphox told my story already. :(

partially incorrect though :p

When the Original Diablo first came out, I stayed up for 7 (seven) days straight, no sleep no rest. I was on vacation in Tennessee in the summer. On the 7th day I went out to eat with my family. I guess the big shock my body was in from lack of sleep, junk food, and then slamming a bunch of ribs, and then going out in the 90+ degree weather, ended up causing me to have a Grand Mal seizure in the middle of the street. I ended up having 2nd degree burns on my back from the pavement being so hot.

I limit myself to 2 or 3 days now.

*Note: I have a bit of a sleeping disorder :(
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
Xyphox told my story already. :(

partially incorrect though :p

When the Original Diablo first came out, I stayed up for 7 (seven) days straight, no sleep no rest. I was on vacation in Tennessee in the summer. On the 7th day I went out to eat with my family. I guess the big shock my body was in from lack of sleep, junk food, and then slamming a bunch of ribs, and then going out in the 90+ degree weather, ended up causing me to have a Grand Mal seizure in the middle of the street. I ended up having 2nd degree burns on my back from the pavement being so hot.

I limit myself to 2 or 3 days now.

*Note: I have a bit of a sleeping disorder :(
Little?? LoL :p
16 hours, action quake2-- actually did this quite often back in '99/'00; I would brew a pot of coffee, get my cigs and go to town all night (some day) long with friends. But ever since then, no other game could keep me on the PC longer than two hours.
During a school break I played Star Wars: Kotor for 72 hours straight.
Afterwards when my Dad was talking to me I could swear he sounded just like the "whaa waaa waaa"(swoosh) sound of lightsabers. Hell, everything sounded like a lightsaber.
LOL, were you on Meds at the time? My girlfriend, who is my wife now almost broke up with me when I was playing the first Half-Life. Man was she pissed when the second one came out. I tried to tell her that I would not be same, as we have a house and expecting a baby.

Shes right, I played it and beat and now, I want to play it in firearms. oh, sorry, www.firearmsmod.com its a WW1 and WW2 fighting. Like DOD but I think its more fun.

So now I have to wait.
For a single game, the one I remember is a 7 hour game of Empire Earth with a friend of mine at CPL once. As for runners up and perhaps longer but I just don't remember, would be RPG's. Final Fantasy series, Chronotrigger, Dragon Warrior series. These MMO's may break that record.
In a single sitting, it would be the seven above plus no more than 5. Food & drink need to go in and out of me.
wow, lots of 26's

I too did a 26 hour run with Final Fanticy Online. Rapid charactor development is fun, but when it slowed down i quit the game
I'd say the longest I've gone without leaving my chair is maybe 9 hours.

Including toilet and food breaks I've done 48hr sessions (friday night to sunday night) a few times, never on my own though and usually with a nap here and there.

Before Planetside turned crap I regularly played that for 8-9 hour stints (at the weekends, 3-4 on weeknights).