What is the greatest PC game MODification ever?


May 18, 2002
What is the greatest PC game MODification ever? What game did it MOD??

Well some may say CS, before it became a retail product?

What do you say is the best MOD evar made?????????

MODs are something that consoles will never do well, maybe not at all. IMHO :)

It has to be cs. Sure it went retail but it started out as a mod. If im correct it had the biggest base of gamers playing it for a long time didn't it?
Desert Combat Final

I can't fathom why anyone would like CS. The levels are so tiny and there isn't anything to interact with.
Counter Strike in terms of sheer popularity, Desert Combat, Red Orchastra (maybe?), Team Fortress Classic (was that a mod?), and I'm sure there are tons of really well-done mods for the orginal UT that I can't remember...
desert combat till they added the stinger missles...they should limit those like the 50cal in the game
I think the final three would be -

Team Fortress - created the team-based mod
Counter Strike - popularity winner
Desert Combat - my favorite overall
No matter whether you like it or not (and personally, I don't), there can be no question that it is Counterstrike. As far as influence and audience goes, it beats everyone by a mile.

Number two would probably be a tie between TFC, Q1 RA and Q1 CTF.
DC has been my favorite, I was never a huge fan of the original CS, played it in beta. But revisiting it in CS:S has been fun.
The problem with CS is that it is now almost completely inaccessible to new players. New players spend most of their time looking at the game from the outside because you only get one life per round.

This leads new players to assume that everyone is cheating.
WickedAngel said:
The problem with CS is that it is now almost completely inaccessible to new players. New players spend most of their time looking at the game from the outside because you only get one life per round.

This leads new players to assume that everyone is cheating.
not really when i got my new mouse haveing never played cs before i was gettin 2:1 kd ratios which is pretty good for someone who never played before
TrueBuckeye said:
I think the final three would be -

Team Fortress - created the team-based mod
Counter Strike - popularity winner
Desert Combat - my favorite overall
Correct, sir.
Well my favorite MOD ever is TFC, with OpposingForce MP for HL1 a very close 2nd. The ColdIce MOD for HL1 is #3.

Remember when WON was full of HL1 MOD servers, sniff, sniff. Those were the days.

The PC game MOD community is nothing like it used to be. I am hoping for a come back.

Mods are one area where game consoles cannot compete with pc gaming.
davidj said:
Well my favorite MOD ever is TFC, with OpposingForce MP for HL1 a very close 2nd. The ColdIce MOD for HL1 is #3.

Remember when WON was full of HL1 MOD servers, sniff, sniff. Those were the days.

The PC game MOD community is nothing like it used to be. I am hoping for a come back.

Mods are one area where game consoles cannot compete with pc gaming.

I loved the days when I could search on WON and find 20 different semi-active mods. Those were the days. Now all we have is slowly released crap that usually dies before it gets real good.
The original Alien Quake!

I've never seen it since, oh, 1996 or so? But I recall it to be an extremely intense game, at least for it's day.

Anyone else remember it? And for that matter, does anyone know where to download it? There was something with 20th Century Fox pulling a lawsuit on them over it, if I recall.
its a toss up between DC .07 for BF1942
and CS for HL

the apache wars server i play on in DC is extremely addicting...while the 24/7 scoutzknivez servers i used to play in 1.6 were just as addicting as this...

(PS..if your ever playing DC...check out the 21st S-S apache wars servers...they rock!

(might be [21st S-S] or 21st S-S , not shure about the brackets)
Team Fortress and CTF fro Quake 1

Can't beat them. They created the multiplayer mod community, before that there were Total Conversions.

Everything now adays is pretty much a spin off of those two.

I miss firing up QSpy/Gamespy (before they sold out) and Quakeworld on my 14.4kbps modem.

Galactic Conquest for BF1942.

Three words: Hoth, AT-AT, Snowspeeder.

Just look at this screenshot. Beautiful.

I used to play Desert Combat inexhaustibly, but I haven't played it much lately; instead I've been getting my modern Battlefield mix from Point of Existence for BFV. :p
Q1 DM and Q2 L-fire ctf.

CS pre-cheating days were stressful fun. Too much stress watching every corner controlling burst.

Quake 1 & 2 were just all out blast.
Weapon Factory for Quake 2, It's wat really hooked me into playing online FPS... then came Tribes...