What is E:\I386\asms because it won't let me use my NEW Athlon64 system


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2005
I have 1 HD on Primary IDE master (2 partitions), and 1 CD-RW on Secondary IDE master, and XP setup won't continue after it reboots onto the fresh copied files on the HD. It just keeps popping up a Fatal Error box that opens up setuperr.log by clicking OK:

Installation Failed: E:\I386\asms. Error Message : The Parameter is Incorrect

What is the problem????
Are you using a windows...... err not an original xp disk persay?

Sounds like you might be missing a file on the disk, try .... burning it at a slow speed with everything as slow as possible there are lots of files and if it misses one you'll get stuck or at least that sounds like your problem.

Edit: I'm logging off

There is a problem with the CD or the E: Drive. Most likely the CD, check the CD for smudges or scratches etc. If you are sure there are none then try getting a new CD like I said above. Hopefully that works for ya!
Yeah the XP disc is a 4x-burned backup. I have the Hologram XP Pro 2002 disc but I want to run SP2.I looked at the disc and I blew off one medium sized spec of dust... That's how obsessive I get with my OS discs, for this very reason.

I tried formatting the HD and re-copying files again, and no luck.

Now I'm even further along with a Windows 2000 SP4 disc that has a bunch of smudges on it, and I lightly scratched it with a cloth to wipe it down, even.

2000 SP4 is like 2 times faster with copying and setup!

If SP4 continues on smooth sailing, then I'll try reburning XP on the burner in the A64.
That is due to the asm's folder being on the outside edge. Some readers have a hard time reading them from burned media. Try reburning your media.

Ended up remembering I burned the first disc of Media Center Edition XP SP2, so I installed that instead, and burnt disc 2. IFor some reason I have been saving this old 2z DVD-ROM that someone sent me for free, and it saved me because the CRW8824EZ CD-RW is unsupported by Yamaha & XP. It locks up, and other people have same prob - no help out there on the net. Only version 1a of Firmware, which can't flash even if it wasn't a 4 year old update.