What happened to Sony LCDs?


Jun 12, 2007
I was shopping this afternoon, and saw a Sony 23" LCD monitor plugged to a PC. The monitor looked incredible, so I did a little research on it to see they are discontinued. What happened to them? Are they quality monitors? It was priced 900$ CDN, which is kind of high, so it has me wonder. I could get a 24" (Samsung or LG) for 600-650$, CDN still. Or a 27" Samsung for 1,100$ CDN.
Sony formally left the desktop lcd business a few months back to concentrate on their large screen offerings.
its unfortunate. desktop LCDs could use some more competition.

maybe if sony had some top notch lcds out there competing, we wouldn't have fiascos like samsung slapping their name on lesser panels made by other companies. ridiculous backlight problems on supposed top-of-the-line LCDs, etc.
Sony decided to leave the monitor business and sell the factories because they felt there was no profit from it anymore. They also decided to also push hard into the TV market with their co-owned LCD TV factory in Korea with Samsung. It is a huge factory and the employees are required to live in a dormitory onsite and must work when needed. Some have compared the factory as a slave labor camp but there is a huge list of people that want to work there so they can send money back to their family.
what about their technology, is it lost?

what about the looks of their lcds, i too love sony lcds? i have 2 17 inch sonys.
i've a 17" sony sdmx73 for 4years. i really like it, though with big monitors coming down in price, i am upgrading. i am disappointed that sony does not offer lcds anymore
what about their technology, is it lost?
there wasn't much sony-lcd-technology to begin with.
Sony used to have a great position with CRTs but they missed the LCD development so all Monitors (like viewsonic, iiyama, eizo ect...) mostly used panels from other manufacturers. (Sony high end models used to be LG ips panels).
They seem to be keen on having a better position in the next round (FED and OLED..)