What happened to FAR and MIR?


Apr 8, 2001
FAR cases
FAR power supplies (junk but eBayable)
FAR hard drives (remember those 80-160GB WDs??)

What the hell happened to FAR and MIR in general?
Economy. We just recently started noticing the return of below cost sales at fry's. The difference in retail between now and a few years is drastic. The few times I visit B&M lately they have more people leaving with nothing, instead of inline buying. I know my shopping habits have changed, and it appears many have as well, as seeing the only people in line are only buying the low loss leaders.
Pretty much every store I visit the staff, including cashiers, are reduced to 50% of what they once were. Having 15+ registers, with only 4-5 of them staffed, is the norm now.
Most of the good sales lately are manufacturers reducing inventory prior to quarter end.
Something Else thats new at frys is now any item thats on sale no longer get the salesman ANY commssion, even if its one cent less than the normal price. At least thats how it is in the components department.