What games to purchase


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2010
Hey guys,

I'm looking to purchase some new games with all of the sales coming up and was wondering what you would recommend? I'll play any type of game and don't really have a favorite.

Current Games (not all of my games owned):
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty World at War
Call of Duty MW2
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age Origins
Crysis Warhead
Left 4 Dead

Right now I'm looking for games to get at under $20 (unless the game is worth the higher price). Here are some that I'm looking at:
Batman Arkham Asylum @ $16.49
F.E.A.R. 2 @ $15.99
Bio-Shock 2 @ $14.96

Do not recommend:
Call of Duty Black Ops, I could've picked this game up for $44.96 during the deal direct2drive had but didn't feel it was worth it.

Other notes:
I thought about getting into WoW but the monthly fee completely turned me off. I've heard Guild Wars is a good alternative but with the new game coming out Q1 of 2011 do you think it's worth it to but the older one?
As an MMO player that enjoys to play other games, I would try to avoid them. It usually ends up with you spending most of your gaming time with the MMO. If you want to try World of Warcraft, I would either wait until after Cataclysm comes out (December 7) as you get the choice to play as the 2 new races. As for Guild Wars, I would wait and try the second one when it comes out. It looks pretty good.

Out of the 3 you said you were looking at, Batman: Arkham Asylum I bet will get the most praise around here. F.E.A.R 2 is decent (I only played the demo), but from what I've read it's not nearly as good as the original, same with Bioshock. I don't see Bioshock 1 on your list of currently owned games, if you don't own that it can be had for cheap if you know where to look, I think just recently it was going for $5.

If you like horror, Amnesia: The Dark Descent is only $20, and Steam has a demo of it. I really loved the demo. Also Left 4 Dead 2 is a great game.

These prices are all coming from Steam just for simplicity.

If you are interested in picking up good RPGs you have these 2 picks from me:
Risen $30
The Witcher $20

Some other great shooters:
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl $20
STALKER: Clear Sky $10
STALKER: Call of Pripyat $20

If you want a more relaxed gameplay but still tons of fun:
Defense Grid: The Awakening $10 + $.99 DLC (there are quite a few)
Torchlight $20
Trine $20
Plants vs. Zombies $10

Hope this helps!

EDITED: For pricing
I dunno it depends on what games are gonna be on sale :) The 3 games you listed im sure will be on either a Steam black friday sale or for sure during the Christmas sale.
And yes, as Adam said, a bunch of those games I listed will be on sale during the Thanksgiving and Christmas sales.

One to keep an eye out for: THQ Complete Pack when it's on sale it goes for a ridiculously low price of $50. So much value it's sick.
I also notice that you have no STALKER games listed.

STALKER:Shadow of Chernobyl is one of my favorite games ever. I haven't had a good chunk of time to work on Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat, but they should all be on sale for next to nothing.

I'm looking for the following on Black Friday for no more than $10-$15 since i enjoyed the first of both:

Assassin's Creed 2

edit: Forgot to list Mafia 2 under my most wanted BF deals.
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Assassins Creed 1+2, Just Cause 2, Metro 2033, Borderlands

As previously stated, Im sure these will be on sale either for Thanksgiving or Christmas
games listed look pretty complete. I'm definitely going to nab darksiders if it falls in price.
Defense Grid - will go cheap; I got mine for $2.50 last year
Just Cause 2
Metro 2033
Alpha Protocol
Mirror's Edge
Assassin's Creed
Super Meat Boy
Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light

My list could go on and on. The publisher packs are usually good, too. Don't feel bad to buy on an impulse; metacritic doesn't usually coincide with my enjoyment of a game.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I'll be sure to keep my eyes out for deals on bf.

Where do you guys anticipate these games going on sale for the lowest prices? I know steam was mentioned, but what other sites should I watch?
Usually Steam. I have yet to really see any retailer beat their pricing during those sales. Although I stopped buying physical media about 2 years ago so I really don't care :D
I don't care whether i get physical media or not, I just go with whatever's cheaper. If you can get the downloadable content cheaper then let me know.

Here are the prices that I was able to find so far:
[U]Batman Arkham Asylum[/U]
$16.90 at go-gamer + 10% off = $15.21 + $2.99 for shipping code: XTATIC, $16.90 w/free shipping code: ACCESS
$16.49 at amazon, free shipping code: ships for FREE with
$29.99 at direct2drive
$29.99 on steam

[U]F.E.A.R. 2[/U]
$15.99 at amazon
$17.90 at go-gamer
$19.95 at direct2drive
$19.99 on steam

[U]Counter Strike:  Source[/U]
$16.90 at amazon
$16.90 at go-gamer
$19.99 on steam
not on direct2drive

[U]Bio-Shock 1 & 2[/U]
1:  $14 at amazon
2:  $14.96 at amazon

1:  go-gamer doesn't have the original
2:  $34.90 at go-gamer (sold out)

1:  $19.95 at direct2drive
2:  $19.99 at direct2drive

1:  $19.99 on steam
2:  $29.99 on steam

$13 at amazon
$18.90 at go-gamer
$19.95 at direct2drive
$19.99 on steam

[U]Metro 2033[/U]
$18 at amazon
$39.95 at direct2drive
$39.99 on steam
not on go-gamer

[U]STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl[/U]
$9.62 at amazon
$9.90 at go-gamer (sold out)
$19.95 at direct2drive
$19.99 on steam

[U]Assassins Creed 1 & 2[/U]
1:  $8 at amazon
2:  $23.50 at amazon

1:  $9.90 at go-gamer
2:  $24.90 at go-gamer

$49.50 for the bundle at direct2drive
1:  $19.95 at direct2drive
2:  $29.95 at direct2drive

1:  $19.99 on steam
2:  $29.99 on steam

[U]Just Cause 2[/U]
$17.90 at go-gamer
$18.50 at amazon
$29.99 at direct2drive
$29.99 on steam

[U]The Witcher[/U]
$15.99 at amazon
$19.95 at direct2drive
$19.99 on steam
not on go-gamer (just uncensored and enhanced editions)

[U]STALKER: Call of Pripyat[/U]
$14.99 at amazon
$19.95 at direct2drive
$19.99 on steam
not on go-gamer

$14.99 at direct2drive
$29.99 on steam
$38.73 at amazon
not on go-gamer

$39.95 at direct2drive
$39.99 on steam
not on amazon or go-gamer

[U]STALKER: Clear Sky[/U]
$3.90 at go-gamer
$6.40 at amazon
$9.95 at direct2drive
$9.99 on steam

$49.82 on amazon
$39.95 at direct2drive
$49.99 on steam
not on go-gamer

As of now steam really can't compete with the above prices. It'll be interesting to see how much their prices drop on bf.

Do you guys think the prices on amazon and go-gamer are gonna drop much more?
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Definitely a good idea to compare the steam sale prices to amazon. Sometimes amazon has really good deals, especially on older games where resellers go and buy a big lot of retail packages and unload them for cheap.

Also, for those less initiated with steam: you can make a "wish list" in steam by adding games from their store page. That allows you to keep track of what you want!
As of now steam really can't compete with the above prices. It'll be interesting to see how much their prices drop on bf.

Do you guys think the prices on amazon and go-gamer are gonna drop much more?

Doesn't help now, but FEAR2 + exp was just $5 on GFWL recently. Great deal.
Pretty sure Batman's been ~$12 recently.
Bioshock: 1's been $5 many times, and 2's already under $10 right now. Wouldn't be surprised by a 1+2 $10 pack.
Singularity: no idea on past or future sales.
Borderlands: Should be ~$10 on Steam during a sale.

So, between all of the digital distribution services out there, that's the prices I anticipate during a BF/Xmas sale.

Also, I bought Batman last year in a 12-game pack for only $50, so you could argue it cost ~$4. And this was when the game was fairly new. Watch for a game pack by its dev/pub on Steam.

And FEAR 1 + two exp are $10 on Steam.

Also expect L4D2 to be under $10.
Good places for digital sales:
  • Steam
  • Direct2Drive - 1 in 5 orders are free until the end of the year, they will also price match for three of their competitors (including Steam)
  • Impulse - www.impulsedriven.com
  • GamersGate
  • Games For Windows
  • GameStop
  • GOG.com

If you need physical discs:
  • Amazon
  • GameStop (sometimes)
  • K-Mart (sometimes)
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My Christmas Steam Sale Wish List:
Stalker CS and SoC (I have Pripyat -- it's awesome)
Dragon Age Origins (with all DLC)
Fallout: NV
Assassin's Creed 2
Civ V
Bioshock 2 (I know it's cheap on GFWL now, but I want it on Steam :p)
Split Second
CoD:BO (probably won't happen yet either)
The Ball
Hawx 2
Arma 2
Just Cause 2
Dead Rising 2
BFBC2 Vietnam (I can dream)
Natural Selection 2 (will pickup once it drops back to $20)
Pre-orders: The Witcher 2, Brink, Portal 2, Deus Ex, Two Worlds 2
Just wanted to give this thread a bump and let you guys know what I pulled the trigger on (so far :p ):
Batman Arkham Asylum for $10.20
Borderlands for $9.99
Counter-Strike Source for $5
Deus Ex GOTY & Deus Ex Invisible War for $4.99
Defense Grid The Awakening for $2.50
Age of Empires III from GFWL for $0.11


I just found these deals:
Dirt 2 $7.90
Just Cause 2 $9.90
Age of Conan: Rise of Godslayer $9.90
Two Worlds $0.90
Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl and CoP for $9.99
Unreal Tournament III $6.90

Are any of these great deals in your opinion?
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Stalker:SoC and CoP for $9.99 is a great deal,the two of them,along with the mods and conversions available,should keep you occupied for a long time.
Just Cause 2 for $9.90 is a steal. One of the best open world games imo
care to share the links? dirt 2 for $7, etc.

Just wanted to give this thread a bump and let you guys know what I pulled the trigger on (so far :p ):
Batman Arkham Asylum for $10.20
Borderlands for $9.99
Counter-Strike Source for $5
Deus Ex GOTY & Deus Ex Invisible War for $4.99
Defense Grid The Awakening for $2.50
Age of Empires III from GFWL for $0.11


I just found these deals:
Dirt 2 $7.90
Just Cause 2 $9.90
Age of Conan: Rise of Godslayer $9.90
Two Worlds $0.90
Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl and CoP for $9.99
Unreal Tournament III $6.90

Are any of these great deals in your opinion?
Sure, almost all of those prices were found at go-gamer except for the stalker pack which is at impulsedriven.com
Just wanted to give this thread a bump and let you guys know what I pulled the trigger on (so far :p ):
Batman Arkham Asylum for $10.20
Borderlands for $9.99
Counter-Strike Source for $5
Deus Ex GOTY & Deus Ex Invisible War for $4.99
Defense Grid The Awakening for $2.50
Age of Empires III from GFWL for $0.11


I just found these deals:
Dirt 2 $7.90
Just Cause 2 $9.90
Age of Conan: Rise of Godslayer $9.90
Two Worlds $0.90
Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl and CoP for $9.99
Unreal Tournament III $6.90

Are any of these great deals in your opinion?

Dirt 2 is a good deal
Just cause 2 is a great deal
Two Worlds is a good deal for a decent game

If I were you I wouldn't really count MMO's in these sales.. since they have a monthly fee after all. If you're really interested in say Age of Conan then you should wait for one of their free weekends. If you're interested in WOW just try the free trial. The monthly fee will make the initial investment negligible after all.
out of those 3 games, i would have to agree that batman arkum asylum is best. i don't know much about fear 2 and bioshock 2 was a total dissapointment compared to the original bioshock