What games are you guys playing?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2008
Seems gaming hasn't been all that on the up and up lately. Is that the case or am I messing something? Are you guys playing more or less? What are you playing? I am stumped on what to play since a lot of "big" name titles turned out to be disappointments. I have just been playing css and gt5 lately.
DayZ for me, it's a trip for sure. It's a mod for Arma2 OA. It's in alpha so it's buggy and laggy at times but it's pretty intense with perma-death and player-killing bandits lurking about!

Should be able to pick up the game for $10-20, I'm sure Steam will have it on sale for the summer event. $20 at Amazon right now, was $15 over the weekend.

And on top of that Arma2 is pretty cool too!
Just Counter-strike: Global Offensive 24/7 lately. It's been pretty fun since the patches it still needs a lot of tweaking but coming from playing CSS for last 7 years it's a breath of fresh air.

I finished Clive Barkers Jericho week or two ago. Had some high points but the squad system was just too much punishment to bare at times.

Playing another awful game right now called Cold Fear. Really good game marred by terrible controls sadly on PC at least. It's stock Resident Evil on a Boat/Oil Rig and really fills the bill for those of us desperate for an Old school RE fix. I absolutely despise everything since RE4. I'm playing on PC with a controller it might be better with a mouse and keyboard.

On Xbox 360 I'm playing Fist of the North Star. Fun as hell beat'm up for fans of the Original film/manga.

Idk I work a heck of a lot I spend more time playing old games I've missed out on more than anything else.
Day-z mod, Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb, Dark Souls, Saints Row 3 DLC's, Mount&Blade Napoleanic Wars, Trials Evolution, I Wanna be the Boshy, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim + 64mods, Witcher 2 enhanced edition, Zelda Skyward sword, Dragons Dogma, Payday Multiplayer, Left4dead 2 mod maps, Serious Sam second encounter new dlc legend of beast, Company of Heroes MP, Counter strike beta, PoE, Guild Wars 2 beta......too many games, not enough hours in the day.
I recently finished off 100% completion of NFS: Most Wanted.

I'm now well into Morrowind; almost done with the mainland stuff, soon to be doing the two expansions.

I think I will do Trine and Trine 2 next. And after that, Stalker Clear Sky and maybe Pripyat, if I can get them done before Guild Wars 2.

When Guild Wars 2 releases, my backlog will probably go into hibernation for a year.
Fallout:New Vegas. Played through the main quest and DLC's,trying out mods now. Once I've worn that out,think I'll just replay the STALKER games while waiting for Lost Alpha to be finished,since it doesn't look like STALKER 2 will ever get made.
World of Tanks, Battlefield 3, some Diablo 3 when friends are on and a bit of Tribes:Ascend. Trying to resist buying a month of EvE just to get back in and see what's changed in the last year +. Dayyyumm I wish I had more free time. Hopefully that'll happen when I start getting paid to go to college.
D3 but I'll be playing Max Payne 3 when it releases tomorrow. Right now I'm kind of in the Summer "drag" if you will. My will to play video games kinda slows a bunch and I "gamebernate" until around late September when lots of great stuff tends to get released . October is a giant orgy of releases just about every year and November is where my gaming tends to "blow its load" and just keep going as long as possible.

But I'm VERY curious what will be announced at E3 this year , I'm hoping for some surprises.
Last few days, Saints Row the Third.

It's actually a surprisingly good PC game, they've put lots of detail into the options and customizations for the PC and the game is just really thoroughly well developed, there's loads of little considerations in there to keep it enjoyable and fun. It's basically a more wacky GTA game with hilarious moments and exaggerated game play.

I literally cannot find any complaints about this game, all those little shit things that usually piss me off, they've managed to avoid doing any of that...plus it's actually fun which most games aren't these days, and colourful as well, it's a nice looking game.
What I am finding funny is that a lot of you guys are playing single player games. The exact opposite of what major publishers are trying to produce and claim "where the money is."
skyrim , Path of exile , some minecraft and waiting on torchlight 2
Last few days, Saints Row the Third.

It's actually a surprisingly good PC game, they've put lots of detail into the options and customizations for the PC and the game is just really thoroughly well developed, there's loads of little considerations in there to keep it enjoyable and fun. It's basically a more wacky GTA game with hilarious moments and exaggerated game play.

I literally cannot find any complaints about this game, all those little shit things that usually piss me off, they've managed to avoid doing any of that...plus it's actually fun which most games aren't these days, and colourful as well, it's a nice looking game.

I have SR3 and it is so well made. I really really like the game. I might fire this back up soon.
D3, Batman: AC, and whatever else I feel like playing at any given moment. I don't tend to stick with one game for too long.
Played through D3 twice. Playing TERA, got the CE on sale on Amazon. Can't decide if I want to buy MP3 tomorrow, or pre-order GW2 to play in the BWE2 next weekend. Arg.
Last few days, Saints Row the Third.

It's actually a surprisingly good PC game, they've put lots of detail into the options and customizations for the PC and the game is just really thoroughly well developed, there's loads of little considerations in there to keep it enjoyable and fun. It's basically a more wacky GTA game with hilarious moments and exaggerated game play.

I literally cannot find any complaints about this game, all those little shit things that usually piss me off, they've managed to avoid doing any of that...plus it's actually fun which most games aren't these days, and colourful as well, it's a nice looking game.

If I enjoyed the shit out of GTA4 and Liberty City Stories, will I like this? Been thinking about picking it up. Once I beat Arkham City my back-log (minus Max Payne 3 tomorrow) will be pretty wide open. Is it anything like GTA4?
If I enjoyed the shit out of GTA4 and Liberty City Stories, will I like this? Been thinking about picking it up. Once I beat Arkham City my back-log (minus Max Payne 3 tomorrow) will be pretty wide open. Is it anything like GTA4?

It's nothing like GTA4, thankfully. It's much more like the older GTA games but taken to an extreme.
It's nothing like GTA4, thankfully. It's much more like the older GTA games but taken to an extreme.

It's not over the top silly is it? I'm not a big fan of too much ridiculous stuff meshing with what tries to be semi-serious moments. GTA4 was one of my all-time favorite games too.

Can you describe a typical mission?
It's not over the top silly is it? I'm not a big fan of too much ridiculous stuff meshing with what tries to be semi-serious moments. GTA4 was one of my all-time favorite games too.

Can you describe a typical mission?

Its VERY over the top. Nothing is really taken seriously at all.

There is a mission that takes place in a BSDM club and you end up riding on a cart with a guy being used as the horse when you shoot the carts following you they explode. I think that explains the tone pretty well.
Its VERY over the top. Nothing is really taken seriously at all.

There is a mission that takes place in a BSDM club and you end up riding on a cart with a guy being used as the horse when you shoot the carts following you they explode. I think that explains the tone pretty well.

Hm. Might have to try it then. It sounds insane (which is good). What's the length of the game?
I haven't really played any games in the past few months. After getting bored with Skyrim after about 70 hours the only thing I can remember playing is The Walking Dead Ep1 last month and that's about it (speaking of which, wasn't episode 2 supposed to be out by now??). Other than that, no games have inspired me to pick them up and play them recently.
Hm. Might have to try it then. It sounds insane (which is good). What's the length of the game?

Good question. I didn't look the first time I beat it but I'd guess maybe 15 hours or so. It depends if you do all the side-missions or not or if you get the DLC (don't, it's not worth it).
Not playing too much right now...

Diablo 3
A little PoE
Quake Live and Quake 3 CPMA :D
Warhammer Space Marine: God I love this game. Fast paced with tons of enemies that charge in waves. Good humor (the Orks speak with a British accent). And weapons that feel like you're actually doing something. It has cinematic execution kills for your melee attacks, and once you go from the standard knife to the chain sword after the first couple of checkpoints IT'S ON.
edit: runs GREAT on my little 7770
Starcraft 2 with friends every Wednesday. BF3 once or twice a week, Civ 5 on the weekend. Oh and Arkam Asylum when I get time.
I am about halfway through and it is an excellent game so far. Actually it is much better than I thought it would be. A good surprise.

I bought it launch day (Arkham City that is) back in 2011, and played through a little bit. Started it up again this week and I literally can't put it down. Even the side mission are amazing, just as good as the main story missions. The combat, combined with the fluid animations and gadget use is astoundingly good. It's a 10/10 for me. I've also go the shortest attention span when it comes to gaming, out of anyone I know. So that's saying something.

If you really enjoy story driven games like this, I'd recommend picking up Max Payne 3 tomorrow as well. The only other game that was able to keep my interest like Arkham City was Alan Wake. I'm just a huge sucker for engrossing stories.
Just polished off Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Short but good.

Went back and played through Batman Arkham Asylum since I couldn't play it at release (I'm a lefty and the original did not allow you to rebind the NUMPAD). Considering Arkham City now.

BF3 is my goto MP, with an extremely occasional ME3 thrown in. Was excited to spend the Summer replaying the whole ME franchise until the last 15 minutes of ME3 made it all pointless. :mad:

Looking forward to Metro Last Light, Far Cry 3, BF3 DLC, Tomb Raider and, if miracles still happen, Half-Life 3 some day. Wish there was more DLC for Deus Ex Human Revolution. *sigh* A UE4 remake of the original Deus Ex would be a dream come true. ;)
Warhammer Space Marine: God I love this game. Fast paced with tons of enemies that charge in waves. Good humor (the Orks speak with a British accent). And weapons that feel like you're actually doing something. It has cinematic execution kills for your melee attacks, and once you go from the standard knife to the chain sword after the first couple of checkpoints IT'S ON.
edit: runs GREAT on my little 7770

Yeah I played Space Marine back when it came out, put about 60 hours into the multiplayer. Really fun game which I found addictive and enjoyable in both singleplayer and multiplayer. The downside is the multiplayer was an absolute lagfest, otherwise I probably would have played it for another 100 hours as I was enjoying it up until I quit, was just getting sick of lag. It was a great game that could have been awesome with a few simple changes, though I thing in the end they rushed it out.
WoW and D3, though I've been quite busy as of late. MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers. Need to play some more BF3.
Might have to check out that warhammer space marine. Might have to throw down on some sc2 again.