What DX10 card will you buy??


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 17, 2006
well my tax checks are in, and the new ati card is out. so what card should i buy? 2900 looks to be a bit lacking in preformance, but could better driver help them out? 8800gts 640 look to be a great card, but is the 8900 right around the corner? i dont want to get burned again (yeah i got a 7800 right before they released the 7900). what im thinking is a 8800 on rental from compusa, untill the smoke clears. what would you get????
I did not know you could rent a videocard, you got me thinking now :) I would just get an 8800 gts as soon as you could. If the ultra prices are any sign, the 8900 could be arm and leg expensive.
yeah you have 30 day to return it no questions asked. lol rental program.

that doest work with software.
Thats kinda what I figured you meant, I would do that but I would say screw it and not return it. I'm lazy.
i am looking at either the 2900XL or the 2600XT

i think the 2600XT will overclock very well...and be cheap

the 2900XL will be great if its on a 65mn process
I got the BFG 8600 GTS. For a couple of reasons:
1: The [H] review. Good OC, quiet and good performance
2: Price. Spent ~198 on it (BBY employee discount+BFG discount)
3:Fits what I do for gaming. Good speed with out of the box OC. I like to get the newest games soon after they come out, but since I have a 17"LCD, I don't need to spend the money on a card for higher resolutions.
4: Lifetime warranty. Tough to beat.
5: Cool running. Maybe not as cool as the ATI X2600 will be, but cool enough.
5.5: Single slot cooler. I never want to buy a card with a dual slot cooler. I think they are cop-outs for lazy engineering and lazy design.

my 2c
8600 isnt enough for me. granted its dx10, but its only about 10-15% better than my 7800. its between 8800 and 2900. there about twice as powerful as my 7800, if not more in some cases.
2900 XT is coming to daddy...

ATI is counting on previous fanism of their series to sell these, just like nVIDIA did for the puke FX series. You may want to read the HardOCP review and conclusion on these before spending your hard earned dough.
in your opinion what would that be?

Oi! If I had to buy a card today I would pick up the 8800 GTS 640. Mature product, great price, excellent performance. If I were to wait a while I would pick up the 2900XT after a price drop, and refined drivers as I am confident the 2900XT has a good amount of headroom in it that we haven't seen yet.

A couple things though...

1.) I really like the idea of the 8800 GTS having 640MB of memory V.S. the 512 on the ATI 2900XT. It's not a huge difference , but I am sure looking forward that extra memory will help.

2.) I am hesitant on buying any R600 derived card because of ATI's track record with hardware refreshes. I base this on the release of the X1800 series of cards, and only a few short months later we were given the X1900 series which blew the X1800 generation right out of the water. Essentially they fixed all the issues plaguing the X1800 series, released the X1900 and had a real winner on their hands. I feel that this will be the case again with the X2900. I am pretty sure we will see a R600+ refresh sooner than you think. Don't count ATI out just yet.
1.) I really like the idea of the 8800 GTS having 640MB of memory V.S. the 512 on the ATI 2900XT. It's not a huge difference , but I am sure looking forward that extra memory will help.

yeah but the 2900 has over 100 GB/sec and the 8800 only has 64 GB/sec. so im not sure if the extra 128 helps that much.
buy the 8800 ultra and send us your 3dmark06 score. (default settings)
2600 series looks intresting with its 65nm manufacturing process. Either that or a 8800GTS 320MB..
ATI is counting on previous fanism of their series to sell these, just like nVIDIA did for the puke FX series. You may want to read the HardOCP review and conclusion on these before spending your hard earned dough.

i dont agree with that. thx though.