What does Stepping have to do with OC'ing?


Nov 20, 2005
Noob question Im sure, but I will admit I am new to the wonderful world of OC'ing! :D

Anyways, I have been reading alot of posts and see that the 'stepping' of your cpu is important in the OC equation, but I don't understand how?

What's the difference between 1 and 2 stepping? Which is better for OC'ing? Is this adjustable at all?

Thanks for any input, and happy OC'ing!
The stepping basically shows when it was made and where. Certain weeks of production are better than others as far as overclockability, due to the different silicon used at each point in time. Its not something that can be changed obviously.
here is an example for you. the processor im using right now has a stepping of XPMW0546.

it was made in 2005(05) in the 46th(46) week.

im not totally sure about this but i think the XPMW has something to do which wafer it came from. someone pleeeeease correct me if im wrong. i've never really read anything as to what the first 4 letters mean on an AMD processor
I appreciate all the input. I think I have a grasp on it (other then 'why does cpuz just sum "stepping" up to either a 1 or 2?).

So my next question is obvious...

Is there a list you can aquire that shows the stepping of the better chips (and what they are actually capable of)!?! :D

Thanks again,
The cpu cores from the middle of the manufacturing wafer are apparently more overclockable, while the sides are more prone to defects, sometimes resulting in one core failing. For example on a Toledo wafer, with one bad core an X2 4400+ is binned as a single-core 3700+ (with both cores using power and producing heat nevertheless!). :eek:

Bloodgod42 said:
I appreciate all the input. I think I have a grasp on it (other then 'why does cpuz just sum "stepping" up to either a 1 or 2?).

So my next question is obvious...

Is there a list you can aquire that shows the stepping of the better chips (and what they are actually capable of)!?! :D

Thanks again,

Just look in the forum of choice (AMD or Intel) and look for the overclocking threads. I know the Intel one is stickied, I think all of the AMD stickies got nuked unfortunately. Anyways people here have put together lists of different overclocks people have achieved with different steppings.
holy crap.
6 month old thread here u guys...