What does it mean now that intel macs are finally out?


Jan 2, 2006
Can I buy Tiger and run it on my PC finally or is there some sort of hardware detection that isn't easily fooled?
Well as of now people are running Mac OSX before it even came out on their PCs, with hacks, and various mods.
The hackers are bound to get there hands on the shipping copy of tiger and make it work on non-apple hardware like they did with the betas but it would still not be legal. Also you never know if an update or program will disable this os when it finds out it is not running on said apple hardware. Drivers will still be an issue as well.
quite honestly, it would seem that it's in Apple's favor for custom builders to put OSX in their machines, more money for Apple.
Arkangyl said:
quite honestly, it would seem that it's in Apple's favor for custom builders to put OSX in their machines, more money for Apple.

that's kind of the way i see it, the more people that use their OS the more people that would be likely to buy a pc from them...

but... it's apple so who knows... either way they would atleast be making money from software sales..
Means my boss just ordered one of the i(ntel)Macs for my desk at work. 20", 1G RAM, 250G drive. Should be all right. Yay. I don't have to be stuck on this 17" powerbook any more.
It will be interesting to see... apple has always said that they are a hardware company.... they made osX for selling hardware not software... in order for them to sell osX designated for true x86 machines they will need to change the way they view their own products... i personaly would love to have lagit osX on my pc... i would also like to hear if it is at all possible to install games on the intel apple machine.... the world chagin and microsoft could finally have a real rival for its os...
Footer4321 said:
It will be interesting to see... apple has always said that they are a hardware company.... they made osX for selling hardware not software... in order for them to sell osX designated for true x86 machines they will need to change the way they view their own products... i personaly would love to have lagit osX on my pc... i would also like to hear if it is at all possible to install games on the intel apple machine.... the world chagin and microsoft could finally have a real rival for its os...

they sure have a lot of software for being a hardware company....
ya... if games would install and there is a legit version that would run on my computer... cya windows....but if no games... dual boot windows/osx
TheCreator said:
they sure have a lot of software for being a hardware company....

They sure have alot of software that only runs on their hardware...
If I could run Windows with full drivers on this new Macbook then I would definately consider buying this. I'm not ready to go into proprietary land yet where my games don't work and I can't use visual studio. If there's a full proof way to get Windows running on this laptop then I will get one. It's actually not that bad of a size, I think it's perfect for me.
We have mod chips for our Xbox's and PS2's why not for a PC to make it run the Apple OS, maybe a USB dongle or a PCI card. It can't be that complicted if Apple is still trying to use off the shelf hardware. I just can't picture them wanting ATI or nVidia to make different graphics cards just for them. I picture it as a standard box PC, probably Asus motherboard and all with possibly a different BIOS. Remember how you can't use an HP restore disk on a nonHP motherboard. I think its going to be something like that to keep the Mac OS from being installed on a non Mac
I want to know if someone is apple to install and dualboot Windows XP on one of these new imacs.
[H]EMI_426 said:
Means my boss just ordered one of the i(ntel)Macs for my desk at work. 20", 1G RAM, 250G drive. Should be all right. Yay. I don't have to be stuck on this 17" powerbook any more.

You are a very lucky man indeed....still wish I had that Powerbook though.
benamaster said:
It can't be that complicted if Apple is still trying to use off the shelf hardware. I just can't picture them wanting ATI or nVidia to make different graphics cards just for them. I picture it as a standard box PC, probably Asus motherboard and all with possibly a different BIOS. Remember how you can't use an HP restore disk on a nonHP motherboard. I think its going to be something like that to keep the Mac OS from being installed on a non Mac
Have you seen the new iMac? Where did you get the impression it was stock "off the shelf" hardware? No, since its an all in one design for the iMac, this puppy is designed with a proprietary motherboards and a non accessable BIOS. Still, if I could get a copy of WinXP on there, I'd be inclined to have a dual boot MAC in my house.

Doubt Windows could detect the firmware since its a proprietary Bios. I imagine the release version would more or less lock that funtionality out. Someone would eventually figure it out I'm sure, but Apple will break it with every update.
Nasty_Savage said:
Doubt Windows could detect the firmware since its a proprietary Bios. I imagine the release version would more or less lock that funtionality out. Someone would eventually figure it out I'm sure, but Apple will break it with every update.

I have heard nothing about it being a propriatary bios. Last I have seen the developer kits were using a standard phoenix or award bios. I have heard nothing new since then.
Whoever gets their hands on the new iMac you are obligated to figure out if it dual boots :D :D :D
Archer75 said:
Article about dual booting windows on the new Intel Macs:


That looks pretty good... i would love to see how half life or bf2 runs on one of those laptops... i also think that the real question isnt it windows will run on the mac but will they actually release osX to run on an x86 box.... im also really interested to see when they will role out the g6? with an intell processor.... i do find it funny that microsoft is now porting the apple version of office over to the x86 line....
man I want one of those new Intels. I would def. want to try to dual boot that thing with Windows, it wouldn't be bad consider it to be dual core and to have a x1600 in it.

not bad. not bad at all.
Maniacmous said:
You are a very lucky man indeed....still wish I had that Powerbook though.
I was never really thrilled with the 17" Powerbook as a desktop replacement, and it wouldn't fit well in my book bag for motorcycling back and forth to work...So, honestly, the Powerbook was a hassle.

I'm not much of a Mac guy. I'd be using a PC (running FreeBSD) given the choice, but my new employer uses Macs primarily...So I use a Mac.