What do you think of this system?


Nov 21, 2004
1-10 and why....

what do you rate this system ----> Amd Athlon 64 3400+, Geforce 6600GT, 2 GB Ram, 200 GB HDD IDE, Abit AV8 VIA Socket 939 ATX Motherboard, and 350 watt PSU

Amd Athlon 64 3400+
Geforce 6600GT
2 GB Ram
Abit AV8 VIA Socket 939 ATX Motherboard
OMFG.. i just asked wut do u think of it.. not commenting on what i have.. just say 2 - because it sucks.. etc.
Amd Athlon 64 3400+, Geforce 6600GT, 2 GB Ram, 200 GB HDD IDE, Abit AV8 VIA Socket 939 ATX Motherboard, and 350 watt PSU

I give it a 6. Nice proc and mobo choice, but you need to disclose more details about what RAM and PSU you're planning on purchasing.
once again... who sed im purchasing it... THIS IS THE PC I OWN!!!!!!!!! THAT I OWN AND THAT IM TYPING ON>>>>> IM NOT BUYING A DAMN THING!!!!!
what you are asking is actually a very ambiguous. Since we are not comparing it to another system.

A score of 1 - 10 would vary greatly with no basis of comparison.

I would say:
15 vs no computer at all
10 vs an Altaire
7 vs a Barton setup
3 vs a phase shift cooled FX55 w/ SLI dual 6800GT, 2gb PC4700, raid-0 dual raptors
-3 vs Beowulf cluster server

I suppose, as Mr Einstein once said, "It's all relative."
For someone asking for opinions you are getting kinda touchy with people giving you their opinions. I agree with deadoralive, if I were building the machine for gaming I would have only gotten a gig of RAM and gone with a 6800GT.

once again....... I AM NOT BUILDING ANYTHING.. honestly.. r u guys stupid.. u sed if i were building.. yet./. i neer built anything.. this is what i have.. not will have.. thanks!!
I never said you were building anything. I said if "I were building it". Big difference. In short, you wasted money on RAM and lost out on getting a better video card. Stop ragging on people for answering what you asked.

good luck with the new build.

before you order those parts i would look into what some different ram manufactures are offering in terms of price/performance ratio. also what brand of 6800 are you planning on ordering? and what brand hard drive?

ps: i was just being a jack ass, i know you already have that system, and i would rate it an 8 because it is nice, but a 6800gt would be better
You should buy the 6800gt and 1gb of ram, I agree with everybody else.

He, he, he, LoL Just drilling that nerve :D

Great idea compslckr
lol guys.. i didnt have to chnace to upgrade it.. i bguht it like this.. so i didnt waste my momney on 2 gigs.. it came with it... only if i had the money to get a 6800 GT .. but once i get my processor (amd athlon 64 3400+) my card wont be bottlenecked anymore and run awsome
once again....... I AM NOT BUILDING ANYTHING.. honestly.. r u guys stupid
Is that really necessary?

But come on guys he bought it like this,he is not building it.

I think you showed them what pisses you off and now they're gonna keep pushing it until you:

1. have an aneurysm
2. lighten up
3. stop posting material they can use to further piss you off

To know that you have enabled them is to know that you can disable them.

In all seriousness, I rate it a 7, Its a good setup, could be better, could be worse. Sure is a lot better than what most people have.
its a nice system......id give it a 7 considering the person who u bought it from/built it didnt really spend too much time thinking it through.......the 2gb of ram makes it too unbalanced........its pretty much a little bit above average but the 2gb of ram just doesnt belong.
Way To Go Tenchi4U Ya told him the secret and now we gotta find another way to give him his anyeurism. :eek:

6, Good and simple system. What kind of case is it in?
lol i didnt mean to "yell".. iwas just talking in a firm voice..

<3 I will upgrade it soon./. i know its not like a great pc.. just wanted some feedback =)
Thanks for your help..!!..!!.