What do you think of Doom3 now?

Good game 8 out of 10. Had to play through it twice since my hdd got wiped out right before I finished it.
I enjoyed it for what it was, just a straight shooter that tried to scare the hell out of you. At often times it did. But I just couldn't get enough desire to play it through a second time. If you've seen it once, you've seen it all.
Great game.

Flaws - AI, pistol sounds, rifle sounds, low textures compared to farcry's, terrible multiplayer (cant connect to servers for starters, shouldnt have to use my flashlight while playing DM)
My original review still stands, graphically and technologically, absolutely awesome.
Game play...boring and uninventive.
burningrave101 said:
Its not really the replay value of DOOM 3 that matters as much as the games that will be based off its engine. Quake 4, RTCW 2, and the new Soldier of Fortune are just a few that we will probably see within the next year.

DOOM 3's graphics are beyond anything thats released to date. The D3 engine itself is a total perfection as a result of many years, months, days, and hours put forth by the man John Carmack.
Does he really do all that shit or is he just basically the poster boy for it?
Glow said:
Does he really do all that shit or is he just basically the poster boy for it?

pretty much yeah. hes the geek behind the game engine, since the early days. Castle Wolfenstein, Domm I and II, all breakthough technolgocial marvels of their time. Lots of talented people work/ed at ID for those games, Carmack has always been the main coder/technology developer. Among coders, hes highly regarded.
I thought it was great while it lasted. After beating it though I have no desire to play nightmare. Now if nightmare was a whole seperate campaign to reward players for unlocking it(or cheating) then it would be worth it.
It's interesting how people make excuses for the extremely boring game that Doom3 is by saying "it's oldschool!". If I wanted that, I could have played through Doom2 again, or Serious Sam. I think what everyone was hoping for was that same feeling of innovation and awe we got with the original Doom. Doom3 completely falls flat on it's face in that regard.

Does that matter to id? Probably not. It's quite clear that the programmers created an impressive engine. It's polished, and quite amazing in the technology. That gives id the ability to license the engine out and make even more money. What id got out of us was $60 for an impressive tech demo, based on our high expectations.

When I played this game, I didn't experience fear. I experienced annoyance that yet another imp popped out of the wall behind me. I hated reading those PDA's but thought that at any moment, something important would happen, so I better read them. It bacame a mundane key hunt, shoot the bad guy, ad nauseum.. over and over.

When I finished the game, I expeienced relief that it was over. I played multi-player for a while, which was even more of a bore fest, and put the game on the shelf where it's sat untouched for the last few weeks.

In summary - Impressive technology. Irritating and boring game play.
A great, amazing GAME, everything about it.
It’s a FPS. If you found it boring, then I suggest trying another type of computer game category.
If you finished it in 15 hours, then you missed a lot in the game.
It’s a game engine that we’ll be seeing for the next few years at least and if you’re disappointed in the graphics, be prepared for a lot of letdowns.
I think some folks have no idea what it takes to create a game like this.
ever notice a trend...

before a game comes out everyone is saying how fantastic it will be and how its going to do this and that and everyone argues over how fantastic the game is.. then as soon as the game comes out.. everyone bitches and moans over it...

before the game comes out if you say anything bad about a game you get slammed after the game comes out if you say anything good you get slammed.. Ive seen this time and time again over many different games.

Now watch right now everyone, well mostly everyone, is saying how fantastic HL2 is going to be.. watch it come out and see how everyone slams it afterwards..
Good but no classic.

Repetitive yes and if the more of the game would have been in hell it would have been better instead of those in doors all the time. Excellent audio, good graphics saves it though.

So kind of what I expected. Worth the money but I actually wished it was shorter so it wouldn´t take up so much time I could use for playing Far Cry or something :)

But okay by all means :)
Actually the graphics gets beaten by Far Cry really. Even more so when the eye candy patch comes. If Doom 3 would have been at day time or full light people would complain about the low res textures and jaggie characters and all. And shadows in Doom 3 was a bit disappointed too. They are either all black or no black at all and no soft shadows :(. So it looks good but not as good as Far Cry IMHO.
Mister Natural said:
A great, amazing GAME, everything about it.
It’s a FPS. If you found it boring, then I suggest trying another type of computer game category.
If you finished it in 15 hours, then you missed a lot in the game.
It’s a game engine that we’ll be seeing for the next few years at least and if you’re disappointed in the graphics, be prepared for a lot of letdowns.
I think some folks have no idea what it takes to create a game like this.

I didn't find Doom or Doom2 boring. I didn't find HL boring, nor did I find System Shock 1&2 boring.. or Heritic, or Duke Nukem.. and probably some other's that I'm not remembering right now.

The point is, Doom3 game play was boring not due to it merely being a FPS but, because it's game play was.. uh.. boring! The genre is incidental to the whole arguement. Your point seems to be that if anybody found Doom3 boring, it's because the genre is boring in itself, and that's certainly not the case.
I would give it a 9/10 for the immersion factor. The graphics are top notch and the sound with 5.1 is absolutely amazing. The weapon sounds were a bit weak, but that can be altered with the Trent Rezner mod. The first time through the game I was absolutely blown away. It was like playing through Aliens (the movie), but with demons. One hell of a ride. My biggest complaint, and not until the second time through, was the lack of physics, monster AI and random spawn for the monsters. Where it did use physics they are good, but the use is too inconsistent. There are also a few things that should have been kept in from the Alpha, such as zombies getting back up and somewhere I read that you could actually put people through windows/glass panels and such. In all the environment was not interactive enough. Taking Doom3 for what it is, a Horror game, there is nothing that pulls of the immersion better. Even with my complaints I have no regrets about purchasing the game and was impressed with the fact that it loaded and ran from the start with no glitches.
mcryptic said:
its crap i'd rather play unreal 2 again.

i'm still hopeing for a good multiplayer mod to come out and save the game.

God that game was sweet...think I might try that one again on my GT:D
Pretty boring after you beat the game. I played it with a 9700Pro and now that I have a 6800gt, I still will not replay the game.....
I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't like it because I wish everyone could have enjoyed it as much as I did.
MikeF98765 said:
kinda boring really...

i guess i just havne't gotten far enough.

edit: I wasn't really all that impressed with the graphics either. I didn't find it any better than halo actually.

Mr. Magoo has better vision then you. laff.
i enjoyed the game very much.... but u got up to the point when u knew when to turn around, or where that one monster would pop up.... but i would still get shooken, even if i still expected it.... i didnt pay $50, traded my farcry that came with my vid card....
Minishark said:
I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't like it because I wish everyone could have enjoyed it as much as I did.
I enjoyed the hell out of that game... but the re-play value is pretty much nil, and the MP (from what I've heard) is either bad or doesn't work at all.

If D3 was a console game, it'd be a rental. As of now, even with the fun I had with it, I'm glad I didn't drop $55 bucks to play.
Shane said:
Its a great game but has no replay value. 60.00 bucks for 15hours of gameplay kinda blows

you pay 10 dollars to watch a 2 hour movie.. so i find 60 dollars for 15 hours of gameplay pretty fair..
plink said:
Then why the hell did you buy doom3.
Just the coolness factor. I knew that even if I didn't like it a whole lot, I am sure there would be a few mods that I did like.
Its alright, graphics and moody atmosphere are cool. Its been said before, but i'll say it again, its just got very oldschool gameplay. Halo? WTF are people still talking about halo for? Honestly, it was novel at first, but half of the game is a pallete swap for the other half of the game. And compared to PC FPS halo is mediocre at best. Halo is for the console crowd , that doesn't know how much better control is with a keyboard and mouse.
7718 said:
Halo is for the console crowd , that doesn't know how much better control is with a keyboard and mouse.
i kinda liked the control with the controller, besides for multiplayer i like using controls and having 4 guys chillin in a room around a big tv much better than 4 dudes at 4 pc's.
Over a month and a half since Doom 3's release and we're discussing what we think about it now/again?
versello said:
Over a month and a half since Doom 3's release and we're discussing what we think about it now/again?

sure why not? some people right off the bat had very strong feelings for an against. now that its been out a while...has anything changed? Have the fan bois stopped praising it? Have the haters stop hating? You get the idea.
For years, we've been yelling about how game developers should go back and just remake classic games with the latest technology. With Doom3, we got exactly that. Now, the fans (myself included) are eating it up, and everyone else is going, "Be careful what you wish for...."

Doom3 was a horror movie, and not only do not all people like horror movies, not every horror movie scares every horror movie fan. Either it worked for you, or it didn't, and I'm sorry for those of you who didn't enjoy it as much as many of us did - no fault of your own, but you missed out on something great.
I got to like the second part of Delta Labs and haven't played it since. It's been over a month.
Fanatik said:
I didnt like it when it first came out and i still dont. I`m not even through with it. I make my self play it when i`m really bored just to justify the money i spent on it. The game was too dark to appreciate the graphics engine. The lighting was tight but thats it. It didnt like that you can only hold your flashlight or you weapon. That sucked. It reminded me of unreal 2 and i never finished that game because it got borng walking around shooting things. It was pretty but thats it. At least in unreal 2 you could appreciate the graphics.

I`d give it a 5/10.

Exact same feelings here. It sucks ass and is boring as hell. I'll eventually probably try to finish it if it doesn't kill me from sheer boredom in the process - just because I hate to start a game and not finish it. Word to the wise - if you haven't bought it by this point in time then don't bother unless you find it for under $20 shipped or less. I need to unload mine on Ebay before the prices on it really hit rock bottom.

I'm not saying this to piss off the people who like the game. This is just the way I feel about it. :)
I thought doom 3 was going to be the shit when I bought it, but after I spent.. oh.. 3 hours playing it, I stopped and had to have my friends talk me into finishing the game.

I didn't like the graphics much to begin with. Sure they look nice, but I'm pretty sure military bases/research labs are more brightly lit than that, even on emergency power. The atmosphere it tried to create didn't work very well on me, the switching between flashlight and gun was horrible and repetitive. Hell was okay, not great. 2/10

I want my $50 back.
I think Doom 3 has been the best SP experience I've ever had and was well worth the money I shelled out. I've been longing for Hollywood to grow some balls and make a real horror movie for quite a while and Doom 3 has delivered what I needed. Every night I play the game I'm immersed in my own horror story and its only possible through the darkness and realsim people like to bitch and complain about. Why do people bash the graphics I don't know. They do look a little cartoonish but they're still highly detailed. Any more life like and I think everyone's pcs would explode seeing as they can barely handle the game now. I think I would give D3 a 9/10 for SP seeing as its the best I've ever had but their's always room for improvement.

Now as for mp, I've heard its lacking but I haven't even given it a try seeing as I'm so wrapped up in SP.

I wonder if all the people who didn't like the game played it like how they were suppose to? You know, alone in the dark, hard difficulty, no cheap flashlight mod, nice sound system, etc....
I feel the same way now that I felt then; It's a generic game with awesome visuals. The gameplay is repetitive, the enemy spawn-method is generic and predictable (When something spawns in front of you, 99% of the time something is spawning behind you too), the story is non-existant (I read the PDAs, which basically consisted of sightings of "ghosts" and anger towards colleagues/superiors), and the environments are practically blacked out to mask the fact that they are almost all identical.

Heck I loved it, dont see how anyone can call doom boring and turn around and say they liked halo... lol.

1. Halo came out in 2001.

2. Halo had vehicles.

3. Halo had this thing that silly developers put into their games...the acronym for it is AI.

4. Halo made LAN even easier than it was on the PC.

5. Halo had far more variety in environments.

6. Halo actually had a story (Which has a rich backstory that was established before the game was ever released, assuming you read sci-fi...most don't).

Sure, there was obvious repetition at the end (And anyone who says otherwise is a liar) but it turned out well considering it was rushed for a launch. Halo 2 has had