What do these beeps mean?

Jan 9, 2004
I just built a new computer with a ASUS board. And it doesnt work but when I turn it on it just gives me constant long beeps. Does anyone know what this means.
the beeps are error messages designed to tell you what's wrong. You'll have to look in your motherboard's manual, or manufacturer's website to tell you what the beeps mean

for example:
3 short beeps, one long beep = bad ram
2 short beeps = cpu not detected/mounted incorrectly

each board has different error messages. Hopefully you can figure out your problem and it won't be expensive to fix :)
check your manual or check Asus' site for a manual for your board. should give you the beep codes and what they mean
It sounds like CMOS isn't detecting your video card. Try reseating the video card and clearing CMOS.
If the board is very new, like the P4C800 (i875) or P4P800 (i865PE), it includes a Winbond speech chip. Plug some speakers into the integrated speaker-out port and listen for the voice of Bitchin' Betty during the POST. She'll tell you what's wrong ;D
Originally posted by Foobar
If the board is very new, like the P4C800 (i875) or P4P800 (i865PE), it includes a Winbond speech chip. Plug some speakers into the integrated speaker-out port and listen for the voice of Bitchin' Betty during the POST. She'll tell you what's wrong ;D

I got a ASUS P4S8X and I got POST! :)