What "Contraband" can IT actually detect?

I have worked with a few clients on it.
Technically having a usb device policy in place that all the users have signed meets the requirements.
How ever that will not save you from fines if they decide since the technology exists to enforce the policy and you didn't use it so you get a huge fine.
When there is a breach remember they are all about passing the buck and making it your fault not theirs for making the wrong rules that didn't cover the vulnerability.
I expect to see more and more companies locking them down, just like in the old days of disconnecting the floppy drive.
The more things change the more they stay the same.

It will be more dependent upon the configuration of the system than anything. If ePHI has a risk that it could walk out the USB port, then there should probably be some form of prevent or detect control in place for that.
Holy crap!! They fired you for complying with the FDIC?? That's messed up.
Very common.
I lost a client because I told them they couldn't do something because it was not pci compliant and stuck to my guns on it.