What card have you gone for this time round?

What did you choose?

  • x800 Based Card

    Votes: 18 17.1%
  • 6800 Based Card

    Votes: 87 82.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Both cards are good. I first bought the x800pro... 1 day later I returned it for the 6800GT due to benchmarks.
I bought the first one I found for $299 (actually 2 :p). I wouldn't have cared if I had found an x800 Pro first. Well, maybe a little for Doom3. ;)
Just bought Leadtek 6800 GT. Mainly because I could get it now! Also comes with full versions of Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia
ordered a bfg 6800 ultra oc tonight, leaving my 9800xt behind ( I hope)

Seems like Nvidia got it right this time.......... we will see
Almost went for the x800pro...I'm REALLY glad i saw the deal when BB had them for 359 :D
6800 ULTRA for me. Though I had a X800XT PE and would have kept it if I had a computer to run it at the time.
Sold my faithful 9700 pro to a friend and decided to head back into Nvidia's camp for a while.
The aim of the thread was to get the people who had to choose between either and x800 or 6800 based card to vote....which is the position i am in.
I'm sitting on my 9600xt for now
Next summer I'll buy one of the cards on your list since they will be considerably cheaper. But then thats not very [H].... :(
Using my 9800xt. Considering upgrading...Will probably wait a couple of months or so.
I managed to convince a friend he really needed my 9700 Pro and jumped back to Nvidia...6800 GT all the way.
my room mate's 9500pro just wankered out in true saphire crap fashion....so it looks as if he will be recieving my BBati9800pro and as soon as i can find a friggin bfg6800/ultra oc card im buying it..
joemama said:
Back to Nvidia after a brief 9800 detour..

Same for me .... provided that I can actually get my hands on an Ultra in the coming weeks....
will be using my 9800pro 128meg for at least another year. You need a "Neither" or "none" option on your poll
It's becoming quite apparent that the previous 'card to have' was the 9800pro... and you see just about everyone that had one of those moving to the new 'card to have': 6800 GT. It's curious to note hardcore enthusiasts happily purchasing GT and not Ultras - I'm surprised there's not more "I have to have the absolute best card available and overclock it" instead of the overwhelming "I'm just going to get the GT and overclock it to stock Ultra speeds" - anyone else notice this?
Always been a Nvidia fan, but I thought I'd go for the 9800pro 256 r360 for my doom upgrade. I couldn't afford any of the new top end cards. I curently have a Asus TI4200 128.
I purchased the 9800 from a reputable seller off ebay brand new for $240. It arrived last week and I went thru my normal ritual of reformatting,etc... The new card was hosed...I was getting all kinds of artifacts and texture corruption. Same thing happened when I put it in another pc with similar specs. The seller didn't have another one to exchange it so I RMA'D it to ATI....god this sucks more then anything that hath ever sucked before. Doom3 on the verge of release and god knows when I'll get my new card from ATI.
I should have stuck with a trusty geforce....someone kill me :(
SerpentSix said:
Always been a Nvidia fan, but I thought I'd go for the 9800pro 256 r360 for my doom upgrade. I couldn't afford any of the new top end cards. I curently have a Asus TI4200 128.
I purchased the 9800 from a reputable seller off ebay brand new for $240. It arrived last week and I went thru my normal ritual of reformatting,etc... The new card was hosed...I was getting all kinds of artifacts and texture corruption. Same thing happened when I put it in another pc with similar specs. The seller didn't have another one to exchange it so I RMA'D it to ATI....god this sucks more then anything that hath ever sucked before. Doom3 on the verge of release and god knows when I'll get my new card from ATI.
I should have stuck with a trusty geforce....someone kill me :(

Damn 9800PRO for $240? You should have gotten a 6800 non-ultra for $280. It's 20-40% faster than the 9800PRO in most games, and blows it away in Doom3 (in fact the 6800nu even beats the x800pro in doom3). The 6800nu even got HardOCP's "Doom3 Ultimate Enthusiast Videocard" award. Too bad you can't return the 9800PRO for a refund. Oh well.
XFX 6800 GT .. order placed .. now only if Dell will get their act together and get it in stock :(
TNT2 -> Quadro 2 Pro -> Geforce FX 5600 Ultra -> Radeon 9800 Pro....

i plan on going back to nvidia when the next gen ( beyond Geforce 6 ) comes out.
tranCendenZ said:
Damn 9800PRO for $240? You should have gotten a 6800 non-ultra for $280. It's 20-40% faster than the 9800PRO in most games, and blows it away in Doom3 (in fact the 6800nu even beats the x800pro in doom3). The 6800nu even got HardOCP's "Doom3 Ultimate Enthusiast Videocard" award. Too bad you can't return the 9800PRO for a refund. Oh well.

$280 really...damn I could of probally done that if I saved alittle more. If this replacement card doesn't work...knock on wood...I will be getting a refund oh yes I will:)