What Can I Cover the PIN Side of My CPU With So It is Not Damaged While Lapping?


Nov 1, 2004
I do not have the black little piece, and I would prefer to use some household items.... thanks...
well, what cpu is it? Makes a difference. If it a 775, should be able to just be careful as there are no pins to bend. If it is one of the older ones with pins...I have had small dense foam pads that the cpu came shipped with. (AMD Athlon64 & X2s iirc) They would work great. Look at this picture in this auction. That is the foam I'm talkin bout. The pins will push safely into it. Cut to the exact size you need and viola. Hope this helps. http://cgi.ebay.com/AMD-Athlon-64-3...trkparms=65:12|66:2|39:1|72:1234|293:1|294:50 Another pic... http://cgi.ebay.com/AMD-Athlon-64-3...trkparms=65:12|66:2|39:1|72:1234|293:1|294:50
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