What BF2 Awards do you have?

This is gonna be off topic:

Majin (or anyone who knows), on your player stats on the top left side, that little Canadian flag ... How do you change that? I mean how can I customize my national flag? Where do I input it at? I want to represent my own flag too :)! I know some of you have it, you must know where I can change mine at. Thanks for any info...
I might be wrong, but I think when I set up my account I selected what country I was from.
I am not sure if you can change it.

Anyone else know?
Phoenix86 said:
If it's so easy, why don't have expert assault badge?

Bender_Unit_22 said:
have not played much since the patch

shouldn't be that hard to figure out

40 kills as assualt is not that hard
for assualt I'm currently ranked 1,405 global,was even lower before the patch, so would not be hard at all
I was just waiting until I got 250 hours logged in on that kit

so yea when the requirements go from 250 hours to 30 it's a fucking joke
all the badges are a fucking joke now

went from one extreme to another, except there is no going back


oh well
Bender_Unit_22 said:
so yea when the requirements go from 250 hours to 30 it's a fucking joke
all the badges are a fucking joke now

went from one extreme to another, except there is no going back
If you started with the current system, I'd think everyone would be happier. Fact is they made it so easy to get points at first (compared to now), but the scale was too large for ranks. Now it's a little harder to get points, and the scale is real small.

I think that if I got the 4 unlocks over the time I played the game I'd have been happier, they should have anticipated the scale better. Same with the badges/medals.

J-Mag, you bag on people for wanting to try to get medals, yet you are a k/d ratio freak. What's the difference? :confused:
quiksilverx181 said:
So its pretty mcuh impossible for me to get the basic command badge, no matter hwo good i do, i alwasy get 30-35 points as commander, its rediculous.

11 Gold, 14 Silver and 17 Bronze medals for me :)

Doncha' ever win as Commander? :D You get 2x points when you win. Maybe they dont count the 2x for the badge... You should be able to get one k for every arty launch, never let your arty sit unused for more then a moment.
High K/D ratio usually means someone spends a lot of time in a jet, helo, or tank, or commander, and not a lot of time as a ground pounder.

22 k Streak, woohoo.

Most likely that was in a tank playing Karkland, or with arty. I love urban tank action, people are crafty and you are a rollin target. I play a fair amout of time as commander.
Phoenix86 said:
J-Mag, you bag on people for wanting to try to get medals, yet you are a k/d ratio freak. What's the difference? :confused:

Don't question drunk posting!!!!