What BF2 Awards do you have?


Feb 4, 2005
Let's start a list of all the medals, ribbons, badges that we all have.
I have been lately playing just to get a badge or ribbon, and ensure that I get the needed hours to get some of the medals.

So here is my current crop of awards.

Staff Sergeant

Air-Defense Ribbon
Ground Defense Ribbon
Infantry Officer Ribbon
Far East Service Ribbon
Mid-East Service Ribbon
Meritorious Unit Ribbon
Airborne Ribbon
Combat Action Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon

Bronze Star
Silver Star

Basic Engineer Combat Badge
Basic Sniper Combat Badge
Basic Medic Combat Badge
Veteran Spec Ops Combat Badge
Basic Assault Combat Badge
Basic Anti-tank Combat Badge
Basic Support Combat Badge
Basic Ground Defense Badge
Basic Engineer Badge
Basic First Aid Badge
Basic Resupply Badge
Basic Air Defense Badge
Basic Armor Badge
Basic Aviator Badge
Basic Helicopter Badge
Basic Transport Badge


It seems like the Armor medal requirements are disproprotioned
* IAR: 25 kills in an Armour Vehicle
* Global: 250 Total time using Armor
* Global: 10,000 kills with Armor

I mean 25 IAR in a Tank is easy (especially on Strike @ K) and I know for sure I will hit 10k kills in armor way before 250hrs.
I've finally received my Expert Engineer Combat badge. Still working on the Expert Repair Badge.

I have pretty much every basic badge, including veteran spec-ops, pistol (!) and knife (!!!!).
the requirements for the badges is a total fucking joke after 1.03
I got all mine except vet engineer prior to 1.03

I was actually looking forward to my vet assualt badge after 250 hours played with that kit
now you only need 15 hours
fucking pathetic

oh well
have not played much since the patch, they really fucked up the ranks and badges

if you got the vet badge after 1.03 it don't mean shit

Bop said:
Veteran Knife Combat = pure pwnage :)

I was finally killed by the knife for the first time two days ago and boy was i PISSED, especially since I unloaded all 7 rounds of my jackhammer. (it was my fault though I was spazzin).

I gotta give the guy props though cause he ran out of ammo too and then immediately switched to knife and jumped over the sandbags while I was switching to pistol ( I was using the mouse wheel like a noob), god damn i hate getting owned.

Although a couple weeks ago a I managed to down a JSF with a T-90 main gun, man that is the GREATEST!!!

My ramble is over...
Bender_Unit_22 said:
the requirements for the badges is a total fucking joke after 1.03
I got all mine except vet engineer prior to 1.03

I was actually looking forward to my vet assualt badge after 250 hours played with that kit
now you only need 15 hours
fucking pathetic

oh well
have not played much since the patch, they really fucked up the ranks and badges

if you got the vet badge after 1.03 it don't mean shit

If it's so easy, why don't have expert assault badge? 40 kills in a rd isn't "easy". Also, while the time requirement on that single badge wasn't *that* bad, when you look at the medals/ranks that require them... There was one medal that required some ungodly 250x7 hours (thats about 73 DAYS of playing). Now it's 100x7, which is still crazy, but more obtainable.

Here it is:
Sharpshooter Infantry Medal

Awarded to individuals who have excelled in every action expected of the infantry in a combat situation

* IAR: Play for 34 minutes
* Awards: Marksman Infantry Medal, Expert Knife Combat Badge, Expert Pistol Combat Badge, Expert Assault Combat Badge, Expert Anti-tank Combat Badge, Expert Sniper Combat Badge, Expert Spec Ops Combat Badge, Expert Support Combat Badge, Expert Engineer Combat Badge, Expert Medic Combat Badge

J-Mag said:
How is this possible? you have only been in armor for 43:11:31 time, 2,192 kills?

Don't you need 250 and 10k kills
You need 100 hours and 12 kills IAR for vet armor, which he still doesn't have.
Here is the complete list as known for medals/badges/ranks. UBAR

as for medals:
gold: 40
silver: 22
bronze: 23
purple heart: 1

by looking at everyones stats so far I have the best K/D, w00t
edit: just saw jesus of 3.0+ so i was wrong, but u look like a medic whore so eh
Phoenix86 said:
You need 100 hours and 12 kills IAR for vet armor, which he still doesn't have.
Here is the complete list as known for medals/badges/ranks. UBAR

Weird I just checked ubar this morning and it had different requirements... (maybe i got an old mirror or something)
Heres Mine:



I think it will be a lot better now for commander since you wont lose points for TKs with artilery.

I am having a real hard time geting the pistol, the knife and the Explosives badges!
It can be hard to get the needed kills in 1 Round!
J-Mag said:
Weird I just checked ubar this morning and it had different requirements... (maybe i got an old mirror or something)
Could have been updates since, it's changes as they verify things.
Majin said:
I think it will be a lot better now for commander since you wont lose points for TKs with artilery.

I am having a real hard time geting the pistol, the knife and the Explosives badges!
It can be hard to get the needed kills in 1 Round!

here's how i got mine
pistol: snipe w/m95, 1 shot hit, then use the pistol to finish him off
knife: still working on that one
explosive ord: jump in a humv and loat it up with c4 and run a jihad on about 13 players in a round. you end up killing yourself a lot but it works
Majin said:
I think it will be a lot better now for commander since you wont lose points for TKs with artilery.

I am having a real hard time geting the pistol, the knife and the Explosives badges!
It can be hard to get the needed kills in 1 Round!
You can get basic exposives pretty easy with claymores, rush their base and drop 'em. You'll likely get a few TKs, but if alll you are going for is the badge...

For the knife badge, use any armored class.

Happy hunting. :)
Majin said:
JESUS, how did you get that advanced!
Even more
How the hell did you get Expert in Knife!
The best I have done is 5 knife kills in 1 round!

I doubt anyone has a higher set than you in these forums!

Try knifing people in Sharqi Penninsula. That's where I got my basic and veteran badges and they were pretty easy to get actually.

So its pretty mcuh impossible for me to get the basic command badge, no matter hwo good i do, i alwasy get 30-35 points as commander, its rediculous.

11 Gold, 14 Silver and 17 Bronze medals for me :)

Nothing spectacular for me. This is all pre-1.03. I haven't played the game in a couple of months because of the crappy college internet connection.

Also, I have 6 Golds, 5 Silvers, and 7 Bronzes to my name.
quiksilverx181 said:

So its pretty mcuh impossible for me to get the basic command badge, no matter hwo good i do, i alwasy get 30-35 points as commander, its rediculous.

11 Gold, 14 Silver and 17 Bronze medals for me :)
Try longer maps, not city maps. You need the round to last for a while in order for people to get a higher average score.
quiksilverx181 said:

So its pretty mcuh impossible for me to get the basic command badge, no matter hwo good i do, i alwasy get 30-35 points as commander, its rediculous.

11 Gold, 14 Silver and 17 Bronze medals for me :)

I got the veteran commander badge without to much hassle. Dunno....

EDIT: nm just noticed your time as a commader is very low... thats prolly why. Ive been a commander for 35 hours

You know i am wondering... it is nice to get medal and all... But all you people out there who try to get them are LAME.

It is much more rewarding to get a medal when you aren't trying IMO. I play to whoop ASS not to get medals.

Although I am a kill/death ratio FREAK, ever since the original CS thats has been my opinion on a defining STAT.

I challenge anyone here on the board for best K/D ratio (I am an armor WHORE btw)
J-Mag said:
You know i am wondering... it is nice to get medal and all... But all you people out there who try to get them are LAME.

It is much more rewarding to get a medal when you aren't trying IMO. I play to whoop ASS not to get medals.

Although I am a kill/death ratio FREAK, ever since the original CS thats has been my opinion on a defining STAT.

I challenge anyone here on the board for best K/D ratio (I am an armor WHORE btw)

well what is yours?

and k/d is ok but i really think the defining stat for BF2 is score per minute (it shows efficiency)
I got the Veteran Anti-Tank, not the Armor badge. My bad. I was just happy to get a veteran award finally.

Kill to death ratio's get lessened when you're trying to waste tanks a lot with the AT kit.
All of you guys/gals/metrosexuals have way more ribbons and awards than I do even though you have less play time. I guess I don't play enough variety of kits and maps. :D

Looks like the score is a little behind. I know that I'm past 18,500 already.