What are you X800XT/PE overclocks?

Mister E : 580/580 is as high as I dare go. Artifact free unless I go higher. Stock air cooler.

you should be able to hit 600 on memory if you have 1.6ns memory ... I have mine at 600 right now with no problems at all :D
ozziegn said:
my soft modded XT PE doesnt do much over stock XT PE speeds which is fine by me.

I figure I've been blessed (or lucky) enough to get a VIVO card that was able to be soft modded without any problems so thats more than enough for me. :)

Amen to that! My Sapphire VIVO-->XT-PE is wonderful! I can play games all day at 550/585 but it will fail 30 passes in 3DM2001SE Nature. I backed it down to 540/580 and it runs everything I toss at it with no issues, ever, no artifacts. Wonderful! :D
These big overclocks do not translate into big frames per second increases. I agree though it's fun to overclock and mod card's. Do you really think you can see the difference going from 85fps to 90fps?
SocketA said:
These big overclocks do not translate into big frames per second increases. I agree though it's fun to overclock and mod card's. Do you really think you can see the difference going from 85fps to 90fps?

Ahem....you're saying that going from 520MHz on my cards core to 630Mhz isn't helping me out more then 5fps??? You crazy bro. :p
I have been keeping up a list of 3DMark05 scores and i have lots of overclock figures for the X800XT-PE

X800 XT-PE

Here is a link to the 3DMark05 score thread.
Post you 3DMark05 score!
mentok1982 said:
I have been keeping up a list of 3DMark05 scores and i have lots of overclock figures for the X800XT-PE

X800 XT-PE

Here is a link to the 3DMark05 score thread.
Post you 3DMark05 score!

Nice little collection of clocks/scores there, definitely gives me hope for clearing 7k with the h2O.....but our own ORB ain't good enough for posting scores? :p

hehe, jk bro...it's all good.
I did notice the official ORB a while ago, but by then I had compiled over 130 scores. I did encourage everyone in the thread to visit the Official ORB thread and to post their scores over there if their scores were in the top 10.

The things this list provides that the official ORB does not are the following. Scores for only 3DMark05, all the scores no matter how low they are and I just added averages for GPU/Mem oc's for the top three cards on the list.

cornelious0_0, I know you can do it man! Let me know when you do, so I can update your score!
I will run 3DMark05 tonight and see what I can do only being clocked at 2.2
SocketA said:
These big overclocks do not translate into big frames per second increases. I agree though it's fun to overclock and mod card's. Do you really think you can see the difference going from 85fps to 90fps?

PEAK increases? No, not alot...but they keep the MINIMUM framerate, higher up.

Besides, we overclock for many reasons..increased performance, smoother gameplay, being able to turn up the details a bit more and not lose any speed.... the pure challenge of making a $400 part perform like a $650 part...

And taking my card from the stock speed of 475/450 to 540/580 sure gives me more than 5fps, not to mention the additional 4 pipes I unlocked...
mentok1982 said:
I have been keeping up a list of 3DMark05 scores and i have lots of overclock figures for the X800XT-PE

X800 XT-PE

Here is a link to the 3DMark05 score thread.
Post you 3DMark05 score!

That top spot looks a little low. Nudge nudge wink wink. :D
TheRapture said:
PEAK increases? No, not alot...but they keep the MINIMUM framerate, higher up.

Besides, we overclock for many reasons..increased performance, smoother gameplay, being able to turn up the details a bit more and not lose any speed.... the pure challenge of making a $400 part perform like a $650 part...

And taking my card from the stock speed of 475/450 to 540/580 sure gives me more than 5fps, not to mention the additional 4 pipes I unlocked...


I just do it in order to see what I can get out of it. I love the idea of trying to get more out of a piece of hardware then what specs/manufactures say it should be. In all honesty I really can not say i notice a HUGE diff from my card stock and oc'd in game play (XT/PE kicks ass not oc'd). Maybe I do not play enough games...who knows, but knowing I did (or purchased what can do) something that will make the card run above what it is rated at gives me a woodie. :D
2Fresh said:

I just do it in order to see what I can get out of it. I love the idea of trying to get more out of a piece of hardware then what specs/manufactures say it should be. In all honesty I really can not say i notice a HUGE diff from my card stock and oc'd in game play (XT/PE kicks ass not oc'd). Maybe I do not play enough games...who knows, but knowing I did (or purchased what can do) something that will make the card run above what it is rated at gives me a woodie. :D

haha, I can identify with that....it's like taking the card and clocks and throwing a big "so there" or "take that" in ATI's face.....hehe. :p
mentok1982 said:
I have been keeping up a list of 3DMark05 scores and i have lots of overclock figures for the X800XT-PE

X800 XT-PE

Here is a link to the 3DMark05 score thread.
Post you 3DMark05 score!

As a 6800U owner that is very saddening :(
Thinking of building a new rig with an XTPE allthough 6800 SLI looks appealing, but I bet SLI will get a good run for its money by ATI within a few weeks of launch, all very competitive.
Zxcs said:
As a 6800U owner that is very saddening :(
Thinking of building a new rig with an XTPE allthough 6800 SLI looks appealing, but I bet SLI will get a good run for its money by ATI within a few weeks of launch, all very competitive.

It is definitely very interesting, and I can't wait to see how things play out, but this is sadly one technology debut that I'll be observing from the sidelines...as my rig is gonna stay "as is" once my case is done and I get the 3.2E.....at least until I can afford to straight out BUY a new system from scratch and THEN sell mine.
I woudl never run SLI..waste of cash...3 months later there will be a card out that stomps all.
You really think this generation will only last 6 months and the next will 2x as powerful? How often have you seen 2x performance increases?
btf said:
You really think this generation will only last 6 months and the next will 2x as powerful? How often have you seen 2x performance increases?

With the way things are going now..I dont doubt it.
I have a feeling the next generation won't even be 25% more than this one.

I bought v2 sli back in the day and I think I might do it again :D

I remember showing people quake 2 in 1024x768 3d when most people didn't even know what 3d was and their jaws would drop... I'm dreaming about far cry in 1600x1200 with hdr!
I am running my Gigabyte X800XT at 533 / 580, it's about as high as it will go without getting artifacts or locking my system up and this is with the ATI Silencer 4 on it. :D :p
jgdiaz said:
I am running my Gigabyte X800XT at 533 / 580, it's about as high as it will go without getting artifacts or locking my system up and this is with the ATI Silencer 4 on it. :D :p

That really sux bro....especially if the cooler is applied properly and is making good contact. Not to rub anything in, but I think you may be in possesion of the worst overclocking XT I've seen in awhile. :p
540/520, X800PRO VIVO (16 Pipes, ATI XTPE BIOS, VGA Silencer)

And it's pencil-modded to ~1.48v, so it's a piece of sh1t. It has 1.6ns memory, but the memory won't go higher (probably a crap memory controller on the GPU).

It's going to the chopping block. I already ordered a Sapphire XT PE to replace it. Call me crazy, but if the damn thing did 520/560, I would keep it. Why, why card must keep me from a measly 40MHz memory overclock.
p0tempkin said:
540/520, X800PRO VIVO (16 Pipes, ATI XTPE BIOS, VGA Silencer)

And it's pencil-modded to ~1.48v, so it's a piece of sh1t. It has 1.6ns memory, but the memory won't go higher (probably a crap memory controller on the GPU).

It's going to the chopping block. I already ordered a Sapphire XT PE to replace it. Call me crazy, but if the damn thing did 520/560, I would keep it. Why, why card must keep me from a measly 40MHz memory overclock.

No kidding it's not THAT great of a card......geez. :p

Hope you like the XT-PE though, I love my blue Sapphire to death. :D