What are some good PC Games?


Dec 30, 2006
I am looking to play some of the newer generation PC games. I am mainly looking at fps but will consider some mmo's. Anyone got any recommendation for a game i should go out and get?
ahh ok i was thinking of trying that game. Anyone know if battlefield bad company is coming out for pc?
Bioshock and Call of Duty 4 are both excellent. As far as MMOs go, I'd recommend Lord of the Rings Online.
TF2 and CS:S are still going strong as the best PC online FPS games. CoD4 gets old fast.

As for MMOs...don't play mmos lol. They ALL get boring, and by then you will regret wasting so much time of your life.
Im having alot of fun playing Zombie panic Source right now, you will need half life 2 and steam, the download is free.
Just a small list of great games.
1. stalker
2. crysis
3. grid
4. cod4
5. half life 2 series
COD4 is flat out amazing. The single player plays like a movie, and the multiplayer, if you take the time to level up and get better guns, is extremely addicting. I went from CSS to COD4 cause i was basically tired of all the little noobshit kids being degrading little loud mouth punks over the microphone. COD4 has none of that shit, plus its much more realistic.
COD4 is flat out amazing. The single player plays like a movie, and the multiplayer, if you take the time to level up and get better guns, is extremely addicting. I went from CSS to COD4 cause i was basically tired of all the little noobshit kids being degrading little loud mouth punks over the microphone. COD4 has none of that shit, plus its much more realistic.

A fat ploos juan
More realistic, whereas TF2 is cartoony, mindless fun. I'm not dissing COD4. Call of Duty is a fantastic series of games, and I'll be getting COD4 as soon as I can afford it. :p
I think it's hard to give a good recommendation (ie something more than just list the top 5 FPS's on Metacritic that came out in the last year) without knowing a bit more about your tastes.

Are you mainly looking for a multi-player or single-player experience? How much time to do you have available to game (this is especially important with MMO's)? Are you interested in any other genres besides FPS & MMO, eg Strategy or RPG? For shooters, do you prefer a more on-rails experience or a more open/strategic on?. What are some games that you enjoyed in the past and what specifically did you enjoy about them?
i didn't take it too seriously, I knew it was going to be a cartoon queer fest, but I guess I'm not into those games like how I use to be. I'm more into realistic/tactical ops FPS's. Just my cup of tea.
Guess I'm gonna be the minority here. COD4 is a waste if you're going to buy TF2. COD4 may seem team based, but there really isn't much teamwork...everyone on your team is out for themselves pretty much. COD4 is basically nade spammers (you'll see what I mean after you die from a grenade for the 1 millionth time) and of course now cheaters popping up on a bunch of servers. Yeah, it's fun but I burn out on it after an hour or so and end up loading TF2 and playing for hours on end.

TF2 on the other hand is very team based (duh) and when your team works together to win, it makes the game a blast to play. Yeah sometimes you have some bad apples in the game but they can easily be vote-kicked off the server. All in all if I did it all over again I probably wouldn't have bought COD4 since I spend most of my time playing TF2.
My experience with TF2 is a bit different. It seems that most servers will have some people acting together, and the rest acting alone or focusing on nothing but achievements. It's hard to force players into behaving like a team, especially because both sides have to do it. If half of one team is acting alone, the other team doesn't need much teamwork to compete.
Guess I'm gonna be the minority here. COD4 is a waste if you're going to buy TF2. COD4 may seem team based, but there really isn't much teamwork...everyone on your team is out for themselves pretty much. COD4 is basically nade spammers (you'll see what I mean after you die from a grenade for the 1 millionth time) and of course now cheaters popping up on a bunch of servers. Yeah, it's fun but I burn out on it after an hour or so and end up loading TF2 and playing for hours on end.

TF2 on the other hand is very team based (duh) and when your team works together to win, it makes the game a blast to play. Yeah sometimes you have some bad apples in the game but they can easily be vote-kicked off the server. All in all if I did it all over again I probably wouldn't have bought COD4 since I spend most of my time playing TF2.

don't listen to this guy.
don't listen to this guy.

Yeah, because I haven't played COD4 team deathmatch and seen this with my own eyes a million times. If you are having different results, you might want to tell him it's because you are in a clan with it's own Vent server because you simply aren't going to do it any other way. If we're going to tell the guy about the game, let's not leave out major details. :rolleyes:

Yet another thing that hurts the team-based aspect of COD4 (that has failed to be mentioned here) is the spawn points are random so if you are teamed up with say 6 guys on your team planning on attacking the other team from a certain angle, if any of them die they will respawn who knows where, and might not even live long enough to make it back to the rest of you. After a while, you just get aggravated and split up. Teamwork in COD4 ends up being running in on your own and trying to kill and many of them as possible before dying.
well im not interested in singleplayer games. And i can normally play mabey a few hours each night or if im not doing anything one day i could mabey play during the day.
Yeah, because I haven't played COD4 team deathmatch and seen this with my own eyes a million times. If you are having different results, you might want to tell him it's because you are in a clan with it's own Vent server because you simply aren't going to do it any other way. If we're going to tell the guy about the game, let's not leave out major details. :rolleyes:

Yet another thing that hurts the team-based aspect of COD4 (that has failed to be mentioned here) is the spawn points are random so if you are teamed up with say 6 guys on your team planning on attacking the other team from a certain angle, if any of them die they will respawn who knows where, and might not even live long enough to make it back to the rest of you. After a while, you just get aggravated and split up. Teamwork in COD4 ends up being running in on your own and trying to kill and many of them as possible before dying.

Again, not true. All you have to do is find a few good servers that have a constant high population, and you're good to go. I very rarely get killed by spawn nades.

basically, bottom line is; if you're into realistic FPS's, go with COD, if you're into cartoony frag fests, go with TF2.
Again, not true. All you have to do is find a few good servers that have a constant high population, and you're good to go. I very rarely get killed by spawn nades.

basically, bottom line is; if you're into realistic FPS's, go with COD, if you're into cartoony frag fests, go with TF2.

While i agree with pretty much everything youre saying, COD4 can be a fragging shitfest too, especially with dumbass maps like shipment and killhouse with 20+ players just spawn killing and nade spamming.
While i agree with pretty much everything youre saying, COD4 can be a fragging shitfest too, especially with dumbass maps like shipment and killhouse with 20+ players just spawn killing and nade spamming.

I enjoy those maps for a break from the normal maps. calling in an airstrike and taking out 10+ people is always fun as hell. I love it when there is 32+ people on those maps. Good times.
cod4 maps are not meant for anything more than 18 people (max number of ppl in for console). Just base on the engine itself cod4 is NOT more realistic than TF2. CoD4 is all about nade spam, especially in S&D mode, 'good' players unload all 3 nades across the map, hell in Ambush you can even use nade launcher and shoot the thing right into the spawn if you get the right angle. It's really frustrated get killed by a cooked random nade because there is no way to avoid it and only takes a click at general direction. Headshot is another problem, the game promotes you to get headshots for the camoes, but there is close to no advantage aiming for the head than body, anything besides sniper rifle CANNOT kill a full health player popping a bullet in his head, realistic? In another hand, TF2 is a game for everyone, the counter system encourage teamwork and decision making, each class plays completely different which also elaborates how you can find a class fits you best. Learning curve is close to none, teamwork beats lonewolfs in most situations, the system rewards you with crits for not spray-n-prey. TF2 is just a well polished game and CoD4 feels like 1.6 with nade spam.

This comment is coming from a noob at prestige 4 lv55 completed most challenges and stops playing COD4 because there is nothing more to do.
But your posts aren't. Hopefully the OP realizes your opinions may not reflect his/her own. There's nothing wrong with TF2, or the cartoon queer fest as you put it, and there's no reason to assume you won't like one if you prefer the style of the other.

When you feel like being immersed in tactical combat, go with COD4. If you want mindless fun to unwind after work or classes, fire up TF2.
But your posts aren't. Hopefully the OP realizes your opinions may not reflect his/her own. There's nothing wrong with TF2, or the cartoon queer fest as you put it, and there's no reason to assume you won't like one if you prefer the style of the other.

When you feel like being immersed in tactical combat, go with COD4. If you want mindless fun to unwind after work or classes, fire up TF2.

I like you, I like you a lot.

Basically, you said what I just said. COD for tactical combat, TF2 for a butt ramming queerfest.
cod4 maps are not meant for anything more than 18 people (max number of ppl in for console). Just base on the engine itself cod4 is NOT more realistic than TF2. CoD4 is all about nade spam, especially in S&D mode, 'good' players unload all 3 nades across the map, hell in Ambush you can even use nade launcher and shoot the thing right into the spawn if you get the right angle. It's really frustrated get killed by a cooked random nade because there is no way to avoid it and only takes a click at general direction. Headshot is another problem, the game promotes you to get headshots for the camoes, but there is close to no advantage aiming for the head than body, anything besides sniper rifle CANNOT kill a full health player popping a bullet in his head, realistic? In another hand, TF2 is a game for everyone, the counter system encourage teamwork and decision making, each class plays completely different which also elaborates how you can find a class fits you best. Learning curve is close to none, teamwork beats lonewolfs in most situations, the system rewards you with crits for not spray-n-prey. TF2 is just a well polished game and CoD4 feels like 1.6 with nade spam.

This comment is coming from a noob at prestige 4 lv55 completed most challenges and stops playing COD4 because there is nothing more to do.

Very well put. Good to see someone else with an honest and realistic comparison between the two.