What are some good linux portals for keeping up on it all?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2003
To use a bad analogy, the "[H] of the Linux world." Linux.com any good for that?
This probably isn't all that helpful, but I just keep up on the individual packages ( front page, forums, and in some cases, mailing lists ). I read a few other news sites, but that's about it.

Something happens, I know about it well in advance from a few different sites.
Most large projects have mailing lists specifically for security advisories. If you suffer from acute versionitis and have to know about every new release, subscribe to the -announce lists. If you really want to follow the projects (and get flooded with mail), subscribe to the CVS commit lists.
I have a secondary gmail account signed up for as many linux mailing lists as possible, it's like my own private support when I have an issue :)
distrowatch.com is a good one... madpenguin.org and lwn.net also come to mind. Really though, keeping up with linux is all about reading forums and subscribing to mailing lists. Like another poster mentioned, I also have a gmail account for mailing lists that mainly revolve around linux, it's a good way to compile a ton of informaiton into one place and search through it when you need to find something specific. As for the forums, check out the boards at linuxquestions.org, they will keep you busy for awhile :)

Also... don't forget slashdot!
j-rock said:

thats of a pretty limited scope, ricer

seriously though, check out linuxgazette.net or distrowatch.com or slashdot like was mentioned earlier
your welcome. the thing i like about that site the most is that when i was under the gentoo flag i was almost as bad as some of those people. luckily i saw the light and returned to the one true distro, slackware.

isnt zealotry great?
i was refering more to everyone's need to whore out their favorite distro.

however if you are apoligising for liking gentoo; apology accepted.[/joke]
i'll never apologise for liking something. I was merely slinging out one of the sites i frequent. Because i figured the obvious ones would be hit soon enough, /., osnews.
hmm, now that i've read it again, that post is a bit aggressive. I wrote it 4.5 hours into a 12 hour night shift. My apologies.