What am i doing wrong?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
I had a cousin-in-law(?) of mine talk me into using a virus scanner as we were talking and i told him in over 7 years i had never owned a virus scanner and i had only run once once or twice and didn't see the purpose. All i use my machine for is surfing and playing games.

He gave me norton and McCaffee. I used the norton first. I turned it off after it had scanned for 3+ hours and was still only half way through my drive.

He couldn't beleive that i had used a computer for 7+ years and had little problems with virus and spyware considering i used Kaaza and napster back in the day. He works for a employment agency and maintains thier network.

I use a hardware firewall+firefox+blackvipers xp tweaks+format my computer every 2-3 months for speed reasons in games.

It takes me way less than 3 hours to format 320gb and reload all my stuff.

Am i using the Scanner software wrong? Is there a way to do a quik scan that doesn't take 5-6 hrs?