what am i doing wrong


Nov 22, 2005
hey guys

i honestly feel that i am doing something wrong with this overclocking thing
this is my setup

Opteron 144
DFI Ultra D
2x512 Ballistix PC4000

stock its set up:
9x200 @1.4v

i managed to hit:
9x217 @1.45v

however it wont go any higher here is what i also tried

9x220 @1.45v - bsod
8x225 @1.45v - bsod
8x240 @ 1.5v - no post

what am i doing wrong?
did u also adjust ur ldt multiplier and ram divider?

edit: oh i see u have pc4000 maybe the ldt multiplier?
i have no idea what ldt multiplier means .. and no i have not touched the ram
What specific motherboard are you using?

What power supply are you using?
Firstly try setting (under DRAM config in the Bios) teh DRAM freqs set: (DRAM/FSB: 5/06), tehn try setting memory to CAS Latency(CL) =2, RAS to CAS(Trcd) = 2, Min RAS# Active time(Tras) = 5 and Row Precharge Time(Trp) = 2 (i.e. timings r now 2-2-5-2 and try also raising vdimm to about 2.73 or a bit extra if unstable).

Then set LDT/FSB freqs ratio (HyperTransport Ratio) to : x3 (defualt is x5).
After taht go for cpu/fsb ratio: x9
A'n try FSB bus freqs at :220 upwards and remember as u go higher try raising LDT voltage by at least 0.5v as necessary if unstable.
U could also try raisin Vcore to 1.53 once u get to about 2.4-6 GHz.

Edit: be aware that this could caus windows to become corrupted, and require a reinstall - so make sure u back up any important data.