Westinghouse 37".... only $524! too good to be true?

just use your credit card to make the purchase
Been reading this forum for weeks now and just watching people's experiences with the Westy's. If price was no issue would you prefer the 42 over the 37 or is the 37" just a better quality ?
I wanna get 1 primarily for a pc monitor and gaming with the 360 but im not sure if 42 is gonna be too big for a PC monitor even if i put it right at the end of my desk. I have 7800gtx in sli so im sure I can run it fine.

Also, anyone know of any good deals on either ?...ive seen the 37 for $950 on pricegrabber but i would want to get the 3yr warranty too to be safe

thoughts on size, warranty ?
Hey MFarn, did they ship from spain or do they have a US distribution center ?

Was trying to find more info about them but cant.
Does anybody have information on that site if it is legit or not?? Because if it is I could definitely spend the minimum of $750. It would be great because they have a flat shipping rate of $25.
about everything i saw on that site had amazing prices....they have the Bravia TV I'm wanting to buy for $1700 while it retails for $3300 here.....sounds very very fishy to me.
I'll let you know in a few days. I also ordered 2 xbox 360 bundles and 4 ipod shuffles.
*waves goodbye to the money*

Sounds WAY too good to be true....and beig overseas....good luck getting anything resolved when you don't get your part, use a good CC though and you SHOULD be ok...but stranger things have happened. :eek:
CC protection or not I would never buy from a shady site.. just seems like way too much of a hassle for me
ps3 for 999 dollar, nintendo wii for 293 dollar so i gues not everything is that cheap :p

You are €406.44 short of the €562.41 minimum order fee!


and you know what they say, if it looks to good to be true.. it is ;)
I can't believe some people are buying this stuff with a CC and saying it won't matter. Ummm, aren't the scammers still getting money when you do that, even if you're not liable? Who the heck would want to do that?
yea not sure i would trust that..

i find it odd the domain name was only registered for 1 year.. you'd think as a business you'd at least plan on being in business for 5 years..

you could email their domain admin and ask them about the company..

Matthew Rodriguez ([email protected])

personally i'd try to get a phone number to call (any company that doesn't list a phone number on their website is a little suspicious)
i do hope this site is genuine, but my first impressions are that its too good to be true. ive emailed them asking some questions about the site, but they havn't replied yet. I'm very much looking forward to MFarndogg's verdict on whether they are genuine or not.
i asked a spanish guy what the name Novia Tajo actually means. he says novia means girlfriend and tajo means pussy.. what kind of name is that for a webstore selling electronics :p
you probably would receive a box of home-brew grape juice from spain instead of the 37" Westy for $524!! LOL
lol i really hope its legit but not banking on it. If it is ill get some x6800, striker extreme and g80 for my new rig.
nswbrunswick said:
lol i really hope its legit but not banking on it. If it is ill get some x6800, striker extreme and g80 for my new rig.

I can guarantee you with 100% certainty the site is a scam. You just opened up a can of hassle and for yourself and credit card fraud. If they send you a box filled with rocks that weigh the same as what you ordered and do tracking as proof of delivery how are you going to prove to your CC company it was fraud?
I have a MCE resources monitor on my computer and anytime I access that site (or maybe it was the "printable catalog"), my available RAM drops to almost nothing.
"Hmm, it looks obviously like a scam....so I will just give them my CC"

Ya, along with all your personal info....honestly, I sometimes wonder how people are still falling for this sort of stuff.
This is exactly like the Nigerian scamming stuff, they work off other people's GREED.
Obviously a scam. A site like this with this kind of a deal and nobody ever heard of?? Price like this, the store would be out of stock in every items listed on there.

Either that these are probably stolen goods.
Look at this, I sent them an email asking them a couple of questions....

Minimum order required by our store is $750 (or equivalent in EURO or GBP).
Novia Tajo SL Accept Payments:
SWIFT Bank2Bank Wire Transfer
When placing an order you agree to provide payment and accurate information's regarding billing/shipping address.
International orders require wire transfers.
For local processed orders we accept also Credit Card, Check or Letter of credit (this option delay orders delivery - 4 to 15 days, payment must clear up before shipping confirmation)."

So does that mean if somebody in the United States bought something from them that it would need to be a wire transfer? Because if that is the case then this is definitely a scam...

"HOT - Only $25 Shipping Fees For December (CUPON CODE: DECSHIP25SANTA)
And guess what? With your first order you will get a free gift and we guarantee that is a great gift."

The address appears to be existing according to google maps, but I can't find any phone number for them with Infobel.

Infobel finds other businesses near them located at 1, 3, 9, 10, 11 and 17 Calle de Vía de los Poblados.

I suppose you could call a business near them and ask if they're real if you know Spanish. I was unable to find a number for an information type service in Spain.
Wow... just wow. Hey mwarps, can I have some of that popcorn? This should be interesting.
I do not know why people keep up these pipe dreams of a $500 dollar deal. Can you really believe that even with SEVERE buying power you can get a monitor from any company for that cheap? Assuming you could, what you are basically saying then is that every other company out there is trying to make $500-700+ profit on each sale? LOL give me a break, quick somebody tell me where this is, I know ITS FANTASY LAND!!! :eek:
I have a Bukiwawa lake and Takuku bridge for sale if anyone interested, can overnight the entire lake to your house via Fedex, the bridge will be ship via UPS ground. :D