Well, this sucks :/


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2004
I have been waiting at least 2 months to order this rig, seeing if everything is compatable with each other, trying to get the best bang for the buck...waiting for the ASUS SLI MoBo to come down in price. I finaly order off newegg and zipzoomfly, getting 2day shipoing at the egg.

Turns out the credit card was not verified. Ok, cool. Call newegg and cc componay and get verything straightened out. Turns out I have to wait the weekend now, as this was all done on thursday night, and FedEx doesnt ship on the weekend. :/

Then, over the weekened, I get this great piece of info; the PSU I orderd is 20 pin, and the MoBo is 24 pin. :mad: Great. Just frigging great. After much looking around, I decided to drop 100$ more on the PSU and get one from PC P&C. I also have to RMA the old PSU. I never RMA'ed something...hoping its not a pain in the ass.

That Monday, things were looking up, as FedEx got my sihpment, so I cruised down to the depot and picked up my stuff. Well, now I have everything put the PSU. Ok, I just have to wait 2 more days.

Turns out that PC P&C said that the Turbo SLI PSU is heavily in demond, so my order is backorderd till the 14th. Now I have to wait till then end of NEXT week. :( School starts next week, so I won't have enough time to mess around with my comp :mad:

In the meantime, I decided to assemble my computer. I get a fingure print on the CPU, clean that off with 50% rubbing achohol,which I hear is bad, so I'm paranoid about that. I also hit the MoBo on the case putting it in, and I dont think I damaged it, but being the paranoid person I am, you never know...

And on top of all that, in the back of my mind I keep thinking that after all this, I'm going to install the PSU, flip the switch, and nothign will happen :( That would really suck.

In the end, I hope everything comes together without any problems. It sure as hell better ><
just think, you'll have one hell of a computer when its finished. I know waiting is tough, but it'll be worth it :)
Well usually the first week of school is the slowest (other than buying books, and finding your new classes)
Well, you could spend the extra time cleaning up and routing all the wiring, so when the PSU comes you can just put it in and go. PSU should be sleeved already so your system would look really slick. :cool:

Then you could run up to the drug store and get some 91% isopropyl alchohol, clean off the CPU and heatsink and reapply thermal paste. :D

Then you could get all your books and shit bought for school so you'll be all ready to go and then you won't have that to worry about when you're setting up the new computer :p
Just think...someday something in life will happen that REALLY sucks, then you can look back at the week before school when you didn't get all your computer stuff at once and laugh because you thought THAT sucked. Perspective... ;)
atomic3 said:
So? It will still work...

Astral Abyss said:
Well, you could spend the extra time cleaning up and routing all the wiring, so when the PSU comes you can just put it in and go. PSU should be sleeved already so your system would look really slick. :cool:

90% of my wiring is the PSU :confused:

Kaizer said:
They also make 20 to 24 pin adapters for about 5 bucks..

www.xoxide.com has one for 3.99
bad idea
Auger said:
Just think...someday something in life will happen that REALLY sucks, then you can look back at the week before school when you didn't get all your computer stuff at once and laugh because you thought THAT sucked. Perspective... ;)
Yeah very true.

Besides that though the rubbing alcohol shouldnt be a problem, if you're still feeling so tense you should waft some of it.... mmmm.... :p