Well, looks like Tuesday is the big shipment day for the x800s...

Nov 5, 2003
all of the places i see on pricewatch that have them say ETA 6/15

i know im going to try my hardest to convince my mother to take my money and order it then(it sucks being 15 for this sort of thing)

who else is getting theirs on Tuesday like me? xtreme gear is my place of choice, Visiontek's for $419, retail.

they have OEM sapphires in stock now for $416 if anyone's interested
bestbuy but I think anyone that hasn´t already preordered won´t get one. They aren´t even listed on bestbuys homepage since a weak now or something.
My xtpe is coming from BB, I e-mailed them asking if everything was going alright, and they replied back saying everything was fine. They said if anything was taking a shit on me they would let me know by e-mail, so far so good!.............Ordered 05/30/2004, well before they took it off.
That was the same date I ordered mine... But with my luck I surely won´t get it until late july things tend to screw up for me :(
I ordered my XT PE from www.CDW.com and they are scheduled to have mine shipped on the 18th; not sure why but oh well. 3 extra days won't kill me i guess. I have never shopped CDW but I was pretty impressed with their Customer Service. They called me becuase I had a problem with my credit card; the expiration date had expired and I didn't notice it. MOst compnaies would sent you a lame ass email but they actually called me and we got it fixed within 20 mins or so. I might have to shop CDW more often; so far they have been good to me.
I just blew my money on a notebook with an M11, so I won't be getting one soon, but once I have enough money I'll be spending mine on a visiontek x800pro. sweet box and nice warranty. Plus, by the time I can afford one they'll be like 300, so that's something to look forward to.
[BB] Rick James said:
I ordered my XT PE from www.CDW.com and they are scheduled to have mine shipped on the 18th; not sure why but oh well. 3 extra days won't kill me i guess. I have never shopped CDW but I was pretty impressed with their Customer Service. They called me becuase I had a problem with my credit card; the expiration date had expired and I didn't notice it. MOst compnaies would sent you a lame ass email but they actually called me and we got it fixed within 20 mins or so. I might have to shop CDW more often; so far they have been good to me.

Gateway here @461.50 landed. They told me i would have it by the 18th

Ps: CDW is a good outfit I have purchased several big CRTs from them in the past and like you said good service.
if i was buying an x800 i'd take a look at sapphire...comes with prince of persia and splinter cell pandora 2morrow...also supposed to be a much better oc'ing card then the retail ati board...that is according to vr-zone's review...
retardedchicken said:
visiontek's are supposed to be much better OCers too :D

it all depends on each individual card since bba, sapphire, and visiontek all use the same exact reference design with no real alterations
X800XT/PE expected to ship on the 15th from CDW. I'm gonna be really impressed if ATI can fullfill all of these orders. Let's cross our fingers :D .
Mine is due to hit my door on the 18th from Gateway. I think that the 15th is dday for the retailers. the distribution pipeline is full and ready to flow. Finaly......................
retardedchicken said:
all of the places i see on pricewatch that have them say ETA 6/15

i know im going to try my hardest to convince my mother to take my money and order it then(it sucks being 15 for this sort of thing)

who else is getting theirs on Tuesday like me? xtreme gear is my place of choice, Visiontek's for $419, retail.

they have OEM sapphires in stock now for $416 if anyone's interested

holy hell! i'm not the only really young [H]ardware enthusiast around here. i'm definately not buying a card until i see some Doom 3 benchmarks. but i've mainly got my eye on an X800 Pro as well. i'll prolly just pick mine up from fry's whenever they get some of the damn things in stock, i was there just a couple weeks ago and all they had were 9800xt's and they were $500!!! who the hell would pay that much for one now?
Last I checked BB and Compusa ship on the 21st. Mines on preorder at compusa, would be BB, but I missed out. Like someone said, they haven't been offering them for at least a week.

Edit, talking about the XT: PE
RagingGecko said:
Last I checked BB and Compusa ship on the 21st. Mines on preorder at compusa, would be BB, but I missed out. Like someone said, they haven't been offering them for at least a week.

Edit, talking about the XT: PE

my BB pre-order says 6/15
eraser_16 said:
holy hell! i'm not the only really young [H]ardware enthusiast around here. i'm definately not buying a card until i see some Doom 3 benchmarks. but i've mainly got my eye on an X800 Pro as well. i'll prolly just pick mine up from fry's whenever they get some of the damn things in stock, i was there just a couple weeks ago and all they had were 9800xt's and they were $500!!! who the hell would pay that much for one now?

Somebody that thought when you pay more money it meant better graphics and they knew nothing about the x800.
eraser_16 said:
holy hell! i'm not the only really young [H]ardware enthusiast around here.

Heh I was 13 when I started becoming one, 18 now :). Keep at it, it's a great hobby.
ditto on the BB, compusa says like the 21 or something, BB says 15, only like 24hrs..... woot!!!!!!!

i pray bb sends theirs out on the 15!!!!!!!

BUT supposedly a compusa in dallas has like 150 in stock, wonder who screwed up on that one :eek: LOL
Anyone know why on gateway's site, it says that the RAMDAC is only 400Mhz for the X800-XT PE?? when on Kyle said:

The X800XT is a 16 pixel pipeline video card operating at 520MHz core and 560MHz (1.12GHz DDR) memory
Ramdac is not the 3dvideo core. The ramdac is for your 2 d rendering and is seperate from or integrated on the main video core depending on the video card. Thats an over simplicication and not entirely acurate however you get the gist of it

PS 400 mhz = very sharp text

Matrox has used 400 and 500 mhz ramdacs for years when no one else did and thats why they gained a rep for ultra sharp 2D
Ahhh gotcha so the x800xt-PE that gateway is selling, is the same as all the others? and if so why so cheap?
blbrchnk said:
Ahhh gotcha so the x800xt-PE that gateway is selling, is the same as all the others? and if so why so cheap?

I asked them that question when i purchased mine. They are buying huge quanity and want as many people as possible to visit them. Realisticaly , they might not have them untill the price is down to that level but they promised mine by the 18th so time will tell. IT say they are out ofstock but call them you may be surprised.

Short for Random Access Memory Digital-to-Analog Converter, a single chip on video adapter cards. The RAMDAC's role is to convert digitally encoded images into analog signals that can be displayed by a monitor. A RAMDAC actually consists of four different components - SRAM to store the color map and three digital-to-analog converters (DACs), one for each of the monitor's red, green, and blue electron guns.
Am I missing something here!? The X800 is out, its just backorder meaning they had them and sold out. Is that what we're talking bout here that the 15th is the day they are shipping more of them out, the X800XT doesn't release until next monday...
So has it not always said out of stock? If I call them will they not tell me the same thing?
All I now is that Gateway told me my XTPE would be at my door on the 18th.
I ordered the x800xt/pe from Compusa for the $449 deal last month. Today I got an email saying the order is approved and now being prcessed. wOOt!!
2Fresh said:
I ordered the x800xt/pe from Compusa for the $449 deal last month. Today I got an email saying the order is approved and now being prcessed. wOOt!!

Damn. I bet I waited too long and missed out on the first round of shipments then. Oh well, maybe I'll get lucky and it'll show up early. I don't care as long as it's here before the 26th. LAN party on the 26th and I wanna show it off :D

Edit: Oh this is BS! Just checked the ship date on XTPEs at compusa, now it's: Expected Ship Date: Sunday, June 27, 2004. The only reason I even ordered from them was to get it in time. Oh man, I'm pissed! :mad: