Well I am diving into Vista64 tonight any advice ?


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
After much research I have decided to give Vista64 a shot, I like playing with new stuff so this should be interesting to say the least :)

I am looking to get this bundle here, is this the right version of Vista to get, I want the 64bit edition, and all the bells and whistles. I can get this for cost, my buddy works there, so it is a nice deal, and my Wifey want to go DualCore now on her machine, so she can get the X2 4400

I will also buy a new harddrive to install this on, a Raptor 150gb, and keep my current OS on this older 75gb Raptor to go back to if Vista64 makes me insane. So with my upgraded system signature that should be enough to run Vista64 smoothly, and play Supreme Commander, because right now SupCom wont even install on my OS.

Any tips or advice I can get from ya would be greatly appreciated, I know for my X-Fi to download the beta drivers on the soundblaster site, plus the OpenAl thing. What about for my 8800GTX, I read all these horror stoires about it locking up or screwing up under Vista ??
Its not as big of a nightmare as it is made out to be :)

Just get all your drivers ready ahead of doing the install.

Pay attention for legacy installers that do not use environment variables for paths in the operating system. Otherwise you'll get 32bit apps installed into c:\program files, rather than c:\program files (x86) where they belong. I also recommend loading up Vistaboot Pro (google it :)) and changing an option in there (at least for now) that enables unsigned drivers. This way you can play with nvidia or creative or whoever elses beta drivers that haven't yet gone through the WHQL process. x64 normally requires signed drivers, so this might be something you do first off after loading up the OS. You can disable this later once good drivers are more common.

I also recommend before you install any system utilities that weren't designed with Vista or x64 in mind, that you check for compatibility first. Windows usually will tell you, but I have had problems in windows xp pro x64 and I learned my lesson :\.
Thank's for the advice :)......What about the newer nForce motherboard drivers for my nForce4 SLI board, I think there are newer ones available, but Vista64 comes with some in the OS that are older ?......Should I install the newer version right away ? And can I just install those over the ones Vista puts into it automatically ?
I'd grab the best USB Thumb Drive you can find, and make sure all you're necessary drivers are on it.
I just moved to x64 two days ago:

1. If you have 4 gigs of RAM, install Windows x64 with only 2 gigs. Let Windows download and install all its updates, and then put in your extra 2 gigs.

2. Some motherboards (and by extension Windows x64) might not recognize 4 gigs of RAM unless you enable Remap Memory somewhere in the BIOS.
I just moved to x64 two days ago:

1. If you have 4 gigs of RAM, install Windows x64 with only 2 gigs. Let Windows download and install all its updates, and then put in your extra 2 gigs.

2. Some motherboards (and by extension Windows x64) might not recognize 4 gigs of RAM unless you enable Remap Memory somewhere in the BIOS.

cool thank's I will wait to install everything and if I dont have a heart attack, then I will drop in another 2gb DDR400 :)
No advice, just have fun, if you end up with a clean install like me you will be psyched.
No advice, just have fun, if you end up with a clean install like me you will be psyched.

What about both my nForce4 AMD motherboard in my signature and driver's ?......And which 8800GTX driver's ?......thank's

One more thing does Vista64 need that Athlon64 DualCore hotfix that Win2k and XP needed to get rid of the jerkyness in some games ?
A lot of people are running into an installation failure message during install if there's 4GB present. A Vista update fix seems to correct the issue.
Been running Ultimate 64bit since it first came out. Fresh install on a set of XRaptors. Zero problems to this point..... Catch the fresh nvidia drivers they just came out today.
If youre using Nvidia that is.....
Been running Ultimate 64bit since it first came out. Fresh install on a set of XRaptors. Zero problems to this point..... Catch the fresh nvidia drivers they just came out today.
If youre using Nvidia that is.....

for what the Motherboard or VideoCard >? Thank's
Anyways I did the Vista64-Ultimate bundle with the Athlon64 FX-60 cpu, and also bought a new RaptorX 150gb harddrive......Got a deal on all this for cost :)

So I install the new cpu under my regular Win2k OS and 75gb Raptor, and just had to update my Abit bios to recgonize the FX chip, after that everything seemed cool, played around for a 10-15minutes and it worked fine. So I go to install the new second harddrive, pop that thing in, then unplug my normal drive and plug this on in, and throw the Vsita64 disc into the DvD drive and turn it on.

Everything sounds cool, go to bios to make CD-Rom the default starting device to install Vista, and it goes right to setup screen, type in model #, blah, blah, blah......Then as it is installing all of a sudden I just hear a small click sound, and computer shuts down :confused: ......So I turn it on again, and it says Windows did not finish installing need to try again......So I go through the install process again, setup the drive, format, and install, I go grab a drink come back and the computer is shutdown again ?

Please help :(
So the issue is not the new FX-60 I am running it now at 42C idle, I did have to do a bios update from the begining that may have been part of the problem ?......But after clearing the CMOS it works smooth as butter, and this new harddrive wont even post now, do ya think that is the main issue, I can return this drive and get another one tomorrow and try it all over again ?......Any special tricks to installing a new fresh harddrive and OS ?......I did it the same way I have every computer the last 5+ years and never have a problem before, dont know why this issue came up, and why was it even just clicking off while I first tried to install Vista64, it was loading up real nice then clikc and computer shutdown ? And tried it again few times and same thing when I first plugged it in to install Vista
Sounds like you've received a faulty drive. Take it back and get it replaced ;)

So is it possible the new RaptorX was flawed from the begining, or did I damage it ?

All I did was install the new drive like I have on a dozen other system build's over the last 6-7 years with never a big problem on building a new computer. When I first plugged it in, and started installing Vista64, it got to the install screen of the OS, then made a loud clikc and shutdown the computer by itself. So I had to go through the Vista install again, second time it goes a little further into the install, then again a click and shutdown. The tird time it makes repeated click sounds, and wont even post ?