Weird Wallpaper Issue


Feb 26, 2005
So I made the mistake of letting my father check his e-mail on my comp. Came back 30mins later and he had installed Pest Alert and some random Spyware.

I believe I've gotten rid of it, for the most part, but now my Wallpaper has been disabled. All the Wallpaper options are greyed out in my display settings, and google hasn't been too helpful. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm running Windows XP Professional.
HouseCall. Take two-three doses weekly, should be fine. Anytime you suspect any spyware or malware, I'd say hit it.

If that doesn't catch or resolve the issue, you might consider a Repair installation of XP which would restore all the system files that could possibly be corrupt because of whatever mess your father's email-checking seems to have caused.
defuseme2k said:
If its windows xp pro, check the group policy editor

start -> run -> gpedit.msc -> user config -> Admin Templates -> Desktop
Andrew_Carr said:
None of it's configured, is that normal?

Look in active desktop, see if any of it is. also drill the same path under computer configuration. I dont remember if there are keys for that there but its worth a look.
Andrew_Carr said:
None of it's configured, is that normal?
not configured is a good thing, at least that means the settings have not been changed. I suppose the desk.cpl could of been replaced by the malware with a custom one that is disabling your ability to change the wallpaper. I'm not sure if there is a good way to go about replacing that.
Just ran HouseCall. Had remnants of one spyware program that I'd deleted, and SpySheriff. That seemed to be it.